Chapter Twenty

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"Alright, is everyone ready?" Lloyd asks as he walks into the room.

"Again, it would be pointless to go. The Anacondrai don't have any weaknesses." (Y/n) says annoyed.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" he asks, giving up on the idea.

"Uh, guys. Twenty noodle trucks have been spotted heading towards Ninjago City just fifty clicks away." Nya informs the ninja.

"Looks like we're not going to the Kryptarium Prison." Says Cole.

"Twenty trucks could hold two hundred Anacondrai. If they get to the city before we do, the city will be theirs." Zane replies.

"And they'll have achieved the pivotal first foothold in the war." Garmadon adds.

"We have to stop them."

"I've already warned the others to head them off at pass. They should be able to hold the line until you offer support. I had them equip themselves so we could communicate." Nya says.

The trucks head towards the elemental masters but then they separate in different directions.

"What do we do?" Shade asks through the screen on his dragon.

"Chen knows he can't take us on all together." Garmadon says as he enters the room.

"It's a trap. There's nothing in the trucks. Please, Lloyd. Listen to me at least once." (Y/n) begs but Lloyd just brushes her off.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have a choice. We have to protect the people." Lloyd rushes off and the other ninja follow shortly behind. (Y/n) sighs.

The only ones left now are Nya, Wu, Garmadon, Misako, and (Y/n). "Why aren't we in the air?" Sensei Wu asks.

"It's going to take some time to warm up." Nya responds.

Misako notices Garmadon has been acting weird towards Wu ever since he's gotten back from Chen's island.

"There's something wrong. What aren't you telling me?" Misako inquires.

"We're on the threshold of war and I'm a man-snake. Take your pick." he mumble, looking ashamed.

"You're my husband, I know you better than that. There's something else." She pushes on as she gets closer to him.

Garmadon looks at Wu to make sure he wasn't listening before looking back at Misako to answer. "Do you remember the letter I gave you long ago?"

"Of course. Those words you wrote. It was the reason I fell in love with you." Misako replies with a smile on her face, remembering it as if it was yesterday.

"That letter was not from me. My brother, Wu, was the one that wrote it." Garmadon finally admits.


"Sensei Wu...?" (Y/n) has been wanting to ask Wu something and thought now was a good time.

"Yes, what is it, child?" he says giving (Y/n) his full attention.

"There's something I want to talk to you about." He pulls (Y/n) aside so the others couldn't hear.

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

"Look, I'm not from here. I belong in another world." (Y/n) explains to Wu.

Wu mumbles something under his breath. "After this is all over, I'll make sure you get back home." He puts his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder for reassurance. "I promise." He adds.

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