The same. (Twilight x Yor)

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this leaned more on an emotional/angsty Loid lol. nevertheless, enjoy ❤️

Twilight glances at the clock. 10 p.m. He'd just gotten home from a lengthy mission and he still felt like shit. A heavy headache wouldn't leave him and he kept coughing and sniffling every minute.

He drops down the couch, his head hung low with both his palms on his face travelling to his forehead in attempts to magically erase the headache he was feeling. He felt a hand gently rest on his shoulder, a little too alarmingly, turning around to who it was.

Yor startlingly retracted her hands. "I-I'm sorry if I startled you. Are you okay Loid? You looked so pale when you came in."

Damn he'd gotten rusty if he didn't notice her presence looking at him when he came in. His handler would've been dissapointed.

"I'm okay, just... a little migraine. Lots of clients at work." Twilight gives her a small smile to reassure her. He was about to stand up when suddenly Yoru crouched down in front of him bringing her palm to his forehead. Her eyes widened and worry was laced on her face. "Oh my goodness, you have fever! Please lie down Loid." He followed her unknowingly as she slowly pushed his body down the couch. She hurriedly stands up.

"Wait here." Twilight watches her as she hurredly walks towards her room and comes back out with a towel, proceeding to the kitchen. He shifts his eyes towards the ceiling as he heard the flow of water from the faucet.

Yor opens one of the drawers, finding the cold medicine she restocked last week. She picks up a glass to fill it with warm water, putting it in the tray along with the cold medicine she found.

Yor comes back with a towel and a basin filled with cold water and later on with the tray containing the medicine. She kneels down in front of Twilight, giving him the pill and the glass of water to which Twilight sat up and drank. Yor gently pushes Twilight to lay down again. She settled the basin beside her and dipped the towel on it, taking it out and squeezing out the excess water. Twilight watches her as she proceeds to pat the cold towel gently on his forehead, to his cheeks, and to his neck.

She stopped as she shyly asks him if she could unbutton two buttons from her polo. "Do you mind?" Twilight only shakes his head. Yor takes this as a green light and proceeds to do so. She pats the cold towel around his chest. Twilight felt slightly troubled and confused, looking at this woman he ended up having an agreement of a fake marriage with.

Was this still part of the family act? She shouldn't be carried away, this would end sooner or later. I cannot let anything hinder my mission. The world is at stake here. Being in someone's gratitude is the last thing I nee– Twilight's thoughts were cut off when Yor suddenly spoke.

"This is what I usually did when Yuri had fever when we were kids. That time, we only had each other. As a family. When I go home knowing that he'd just be there waiting and he'd burst out a big smile and hug me the moment I open the door. And honestly, it was all that I needed."

"Is it the same?" Twilight unknowingly asks. Him being caught in his own web of thoughts earlier.

Yoru couldn't help but to stop and think. Though it sounded incomplete, Yor knew what he was asking. Was it the same with this facade like family they'd built up for their own purposes?

Yor looked at Twilight and saw his calm yet curious eyes, unconsciously anticipating her reply.

Yor gave this soft look in her eyes and settled the towel down on her lap, giving him a small smile. "Well, this doesn't feel any different to me. I am Anya's mother and... you are my husband. Right?"

Twilight was taken aback by this while Yor continued to pat the cold towel on him.

It wouldn't be bad to be caught up in my own plans for once, right? Could I be selfish and choose myself over the world for once?

Twilight holds Yor's wrist gently, resulting to her hand dropping the towel she was holding. He lays her hand flat on the crown of his head. "T-This is what my mother usually did when I was sick." He meekly says, light pink tint visiting his cheeks. Not sure if it was from the fever.

Yor only nods and softly smiles as she stroke his head gently, running her fingers through his hair. Until Twilight slowly fell to a slumber and he would admit, from then on, it slowly became the same to him, not wanting this feeling to stop.

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