Chapter 38

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"Sirius Black," a terrified shriek came from behind Harry.

"Expelliarmus," the sickly man croaked, pointing Ron's wand at the group of teens.

Harry and Hermione's wands shot out of their hands and he caught them with ease. He took a step towards Harry, who refused to waiver or show he was afraid.

"I knew you would come to help your friend,–" he explained hoarsely, he sounded as if he lost the habit of speaking a long time ago. "–your father would've done the same thing for me. Brave of you not to run for a teacher, no doubt why you're a Gryffindor. With just you three, it will make this much easier."

Harry's face burned with rage at the mention of his father. He tried to compose himself as Severus taught him, the Potions Master had warned Harry that his rash and impulsive behavior will worsen any situation.

However, Harry's anger showed clearly on his face, his jaw had tensed and a boiling hate was burning in his chest, dispelling any fear that was there before.

He wanted his wand to attack the man that stood before him, for once he had no instinct to play defense.

Harry didn't know what happened but he felt a hand on the back of his robes, dragging him backwards away from the fugitive.

"No, Harry," Hermione hissed, putting herself between Harry Potter and Sirius Black.

"He killed my parents," Harry's voice shook with rage.

Hermione ignored him and Ron stumbled to his feet, the two of them making a wall infront of Harry.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" Ron shouted towards Black with all the strength he could muster. It was clear that the effort of standing up had drained him, all color left his face, leaving him tinted green and he swayed slightly as he spoke.

"Lie down," Black sighed, "you will damage that leg even more."

"Do you hear me!" Ron said, leaning heavily on Hermione to stay upright. "You'll have to kill all three of us!"

"There'll only be one murder here tonight," Black's grin widened.

"Why's that?" Harry spoke from behind his friends, trying to push through them. "Didn't matter last time when you slaughtered all those muggles to get to Peter Pettigrew! What's the matter, gone soft in Azkaban?" Harry taunted.
"Harry Potter, shut up!" Hermione said, pushing Harry backwards.
"HE KILLED MY MUM AND DAD!" Harry roared, knocking Ron over and he flung at Sirius Black.

He had forgotten all magic and the fact that he was short, skinny and merely thirteen years old.

He didn't even care that Black was a full grown man, the only thing Harry cared about was inflicting pain upon the man who destroyed his chance at a normal life.

One hand grabbed Black's wrist that held the wands, forcing them away from while the other hand collided with the side of Black's head, they fell backwards, colliding with the wall.
Hermione was screaming, Ron was yelling, there was a blinding flash as Black released sparks that were inches away from Harry's face. Harry could feel Blacks wrist twisting to get out of Harry's grasp, but Harry clung on tightly. He punched every inch of Sirius Black that his hand could find. But Blacks hand soon caught Harry's throat.

"No," he hissed, "no, I've waited too long." His fingers tightened around Harry's throat.

Harry choked, desperate for air, he helplessly pried at the fingers but Blacks hold was not relenting.

Out of nowhere, Hermione's leg swung and Black dropped Harry with a grunt of pain. Ron had thrown himself on the mans wand arm and Sirius Black fell unarmed.
Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw his own wand rolling on the dusty floor and lunged for it but—
"Ahh!" Harry yelped as Crookshanks front claws sunk into his outstretched arm.

"You stupid cat!" Harry sent Crookshanks flying off his arm. The cat hissed and sprung for Harry's wand. "Oh no you don't!" Harry aimed a swift kick at the blob of ginger fur that made the cat leap to the side. Harry snatched up his wand and turned to face Black.

Ron and Hermione saw the expression on Harry's face and quickly backed away from the escapee. Neither Hermione nor Ron were in the best shape. Hermione's lip was bleeding and the wound on her shoulder was visible through her ripped robe, she scrambled to the side, retrieving her and Ron's wands from the ground.

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