Just To See You Smile

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"So what a man gotta do?
What a man gotta do?
To be totally locked up by you
What a man gotta say?
What a man gotta pray?
To be your last "Goodnight" and your first "Good day"


"He's a very handsome and kind man Noelle"

Looking away from the boys playing football on my back yard I gaze at Anne. She's sipping the lemonade I made this morning and smiling sweetly at me.

"Yes, he is" I say, bringing my eyes back on Thomas that is throwing the ball at my dad direction.

After he and Carter arrived, almost two hours ago, he, my dad, Carter and even Harry - who was utterly quiet till that moment- started talking about American football and I don't know how the conversation led to them playing it using an old ball Harry apparently had in his room.

I guess it's a men's way of bonding.

"Your mum would have liked him" she adds, making me snap my head in her direction.

"You think?" my voice is slightly shaking as I speak.

I always wondered if my mum would have liked Thomas. If she would have approved my decision to marry him, and hearing Anne - the woman that not only was my mum's closest friend, but also the person I saw as a second mum - telling me this, makes me emotional.

"Absolutely dear. He loves you, I could tell from the way he looks at you, even now" she nods, a motherly glint in her eyes.

I move my eyes to the man in question and find him already looking at me.
He brings a hand to his mouth and sends me a kiss, smiling cheekily after.

My dad nudges his shoulder bringing him back to the game as I hear Mae make a gagging sound from behind me.

"You two make me what to vomit. You're all lovely Dovey" She snorts.

"Shut up, will you?" I turn in her direction, showing her my middle finger and she just laughs, throwing her head back.

"It's true! When we were talking he couldn't keep his hands off of you and now you keep giving each other fuck eyes!" she argues pointing between me and Thomas wiggling her brows.

"Language young lady!" Anne scowls her at I chuckle when Mae gives her an apologetic smile.

I just shrug at my sister and see her roll her eyes as I turn again to watch the boys and my dad, leaning my elbows on the white railing of my porch and resting my face on my palms.

My eyes fall on Harry that his throwing the ball in Thomas direction with such a force and determination that make my insides twist.
He is wearing black sweatpants and a black t-shirt, - his jumper was tossed to the ground soon after they started playing - he is wearing black sunglasses and his hair are held back by a brown bandana.

I watch as Thomas catches the ball and throws it in Carter direction.

The poor boy tries to catch it but ends up stumbling on his feet, falling to the ground.

He grunts loudly when the ball hits his head and Thomas and Harry are quick to help him up, while my dad laughs.

"Carter I think you played enough. I don't want to take you to the hospital your first day here" my dad chuckles giving him a pat on the shoulder when my friend is again on his feet, "You tried son, but football isn't really your thing."

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