1. Heart and Mind Theory

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If you don't know what the heart and mind theory is (or you've just forgotten) it's a theory made by Lord Cassius. The theory states that the mind tells you something, while the heart tells you another. The feelings from the mind are always present, while the emotions from the heart are buried deeper and are more difficult to understand.

The heart and the mind are two different things, just like Keefe and Fitz are two different boys. The heart and the mind are both important to a body, but the heart is the one that tells the truth. The mind is always running, analyzing information and solving problems. The heart works just as hard as the mind, but the body that contains them really only acknowledges the mind.

If you haven't already guessed, Sophie is the perfect representation of the body I just spoke about. Sophie needs her mind (Fitz) and her heart (Keefe), but only acknowledges her feelings for her mind because she believes her telepathy is her strongest ability.

While Sophie listens to her heart, she always follows her mind, because (once again) she believes her telepathy is the strongest. It should be the other way around.

I once heard a quote that said, "A wise person follows their heart without ignoring their mind."

This makes perfect sense in the context of Sophie, because the heart displays emotions that you truly want, while the mind thinks things through more logically. The heart exerts what you really want, but is harder to pay attention to because your brain is always running.

With that being said, Sophie obviously loves Keefe in her heart, a place where the emotions of love are the strongest, but also the hardest to understand. That plus the fact that she is blatantly oblivious shows that Sophie cannot see that she loves Keefe, or that he loves her.

Her mind has been picking up the fact that she has a crush on Fitz since day one. She immediately picked up on the fact that he was handsome and charming. Her MIND picked up on that. Her HEART picked up on the fact that she and Keefe have been through thick and thin together, and will always need each other.

All that may have seemed sad, because it seems like I'm telling you that Sophie will never understand that she loves Keefe. But she WILL. Here's why:

Sophie's inflicting has grown stronger and stronger throughout the series, and she just barely learned a new way to use it in Legacy. Since she is learning how to exert emotions from the heart, she is also learning her own emotions by passing them on to others. When she heals a broken mind for example, she sends feelings of LOVE.

Now that she is presently exercising the emotion of love by sending it to others, she will most definitely learn the emotion in herself. She has already learned the love that comes from the mind (Fitz), but now is the chance for her to learn love from the heart (Keefe).

"Sophie" means wisdom.

If she's so wise, she's bound to figure it out at some point. Right?

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