Chapter 9: All I want is peace

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Note: Male Lead- Ml Original Tyeong Yi- OTY

Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh shit! What should I do?

My mind is swirling like a whirlwind and I couldn't think of any plans. BUT WHY IS THE PRINCE STILL KISSING ME! I need a plan, quick. Please help me out here brain. THINK! THINK! THINK!

How do I bail? How do I get rid of the prince? Maybe I can lure him in and play the sexy type. Then deepen our kiss and even seduce him a bit since I that is the approach I took on him. Finally I would drop the bombshell on him. Marriage!

Or should I push him away and play the shy type then somehow weave the topic of marriage somewhere in there.

I internally sighed. I can't play sexy At ALL! And that might even make the situation worse so acting as the shy type is my best bet.

I'm doomed aren't I? My plans can't be trusted anymore. What's irritating is that all of them so far, failed. No matter what I do the Ml despite me making a fool of myself never faltered. He in fact persisted.



UGHH! Can't the Ml chase after the female lead instead!

Right now I have to stay focus and solidify my plan that most likely might fail. But...Maybe just maybe if I talk about marriage his passion to continue this ordeal would desist?

Here goes nothing!

I lightly pushed him away. Finally our lips parted and I was about to beautifully fall into my role of acting as the shy type. Suddenly the ml stealthily placed his right hand on my back while the other inched closer to my thigh. Then without any hesitation he pushed me towards him and we once again reconnected our lips.

Shit! Crap! The Ml is serious. He's not planning on letting go.

I couldn't help but silently cry hoping that the prince would understand my plea and let go of my lips. However, he ignored me and remained unfazed. Since I'm a princess that's rather weak my attempts to push him, would only be but a waste of energy. So I quickly thought of something.

Like a rat being cornered I bit it him and tried to sprint for the nearest exit. Sadly, my silly pursuit for escape was but a failure. I tried desperately to leap and do a triple backflip and run like in the movies. Instead I ended up jumping away from the prince's grasp and my face somehow fell flat on the grey carpet. The fall was hard, so hard in fact it made a loud 'thump' sound.

I groaned in pain and silently cursed the ml underneath my breath. That damned prince put me into to this mess. He made me insane just trying to create plans only for them to fail. And now I look like an idiot trying to run away from him.

Just when I was about to complain some more I felt a strange warm liquid slowly sliding down my face. My palm stretched towards the source of this liquid and gently caressed it. That same palm made its way to my blurry vision and I noticed blood. Suddenly my vision was no longer intact and I inevitably fainted.

My plans are being trifled by the MLWhere stories live. Discover now