The Night of Hellfire

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Emily remembered the night.

It was quiet and peaceful as the kingdom of Allison went to sleep. The day had passed and now was the time for rest from the hard wrought labors, whether it was farming for food, building tools, or constructing buildings for housing and work.

Everyone had a role, everyone had a purpose. Plans were put in place for the betterment of the kingdom and how to bless everyone. When things went wrong, they knew what to do. They didn't complain and degrade people. They were calm and they knew how to solve the problem.

But, that night, it all went out the window.

Emily had turned eight a few days before and was relishing the fact that she was growing up and being treated more like an adult. As princess of the castle, she was used to getting what she wanted, but she yearned for the baby talk and slow speaking to end. She wanted the respect and admiration her father, the king, had and wanted to emulate such traits. As she lay in bed, barely asleep and plotting a way to raid the royal kitchens, however, she heard the sound of thunder through the air.

Jumping up and racing to the window, Emily could see streaks of red light gracing the sky. They looked mesmerizing, like the fireworks her father would launch every once in a while. As they got higher, they seemed to slow down, though, and hurl back down to the earth. Emily had never seen such a thing before. Weren't they supposed to explode?

A shrieking noise sounded as the streaks, now speeding very quickly, descended toward the kingdom. Emily was unprepared for what happened as the streaks hit the buildings. Large, bright, red and orange explosions lit up the city, terrifying noises of crashing and burning replaced the quiet serenity of the night. She screamed and jumped back as something so beautiful suddenly transformed into something terrifying.

More explosions sounded as Emily tried to focus on what was going on. The door to her room abruptly opened as the king and two soldiers entered. Emily turned back, initially scared, but settled down a little as she recognized her father. He was walking briskly to her.

“Em, we need to go,” her father said, leaning down to pick her up.

“Daddy, what's going on,” Emily asked, confused. She was up in the air and held closely to her father.

“I'll explain later, pumpkin,” came the response. The king was now hurrying back to the door with Emily in his arms. The tower suddenly shook like an earthquake, almost bringing the father-daughter duo down, but they started rushing down the stairs, the soldiers following them.

“They're hitting the castle now,” one of the two soldiers called out. The group moved faster now. If one of the cannons hit the tower, they would all be dead.

“Can you have the back gate open,” the king breathlessly asked as they finally reached the door. He seemed to kick it open as they rushed into the hall. It was a large second floor hallway with a set of doors behind them. Orange light flashed through the stained colored windows. The scariest part was the muffled noise of screaming now partly audible.

“We can,” the other soldier replied.

“Take my daughter,” the king ordered, setting Emily down. “Make sure everyone makes it out of here,”

“Your Majesty, what about you?”

“I have to get my wife,” the king replied. Looking at Emily, his eyes had fear in them. Emily had never seen her father so terrified. He was normally.a confident man.

“You go with these men and you get out of here, do you understand, Emily,” he shakily said. Emily promptly nodded, not fully understanding what was going on. The king sighed, a little settled, and kissed his daughter's forehead.

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