Chapter 15: Come With Me

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Blood, graphic descriptions

Note: Try listening to the song at the second half of the chapter. The lyrics fit it and helped me finish the scene :))


"I think hell is something you carry around with you. Not somewhere you go." —Neil Gaiman


"DON'T TRY to escape while I get the books," Jisoo nagged Taehyung softly. The latter rolled his eyes as he stretched his arms languidly. She lightly slapped his legs on the table, gesturing to him to put it down.

"Fine. I won't," he answered irritably and put his feet down. He still sat a little insolently with his back leaning on the chair and rocking it lightly.

Jisoo put her hands on her waist like a mother lecturing her child, "Not even sleeping," she added.

He shrugged, "No sleeping," and then he yawned just in time. A smirk plastered upon his face.

That wasn't intentional, though.

"Taehyungie," Jisoo warned frustratedly. He bit his lip to stop himself from guffawing on her face.

He sat straight, "I get it, I get it," his hands waved dismissively as he leaned his cheek on his hand and nodded continuously at her.

Jisoo sighed heavily and left him there. They were at the school's library and he was being such a headache the whole hour. Good thing she was a patient person. She's not sure if he's doing it on purpose but she chose to think not to.

She scanned the shelves for that particular book until she found it. Jisoo smiled to herself and was about to grab the book but then someone took it too, at the same time.

"Oh," she said, taken aback. She looked behind her and found a girl, just around her height. She had plump cheeks and a small face. But her eyes are very catchy. They are sharp.

The girl pulled the book forcefully from her hold. She looked at it and went back to the lady who was glaring at her. Jisoo let go of the book.

"Okay, you can take it," she smiled, "But can I borrow it after?"

The latter looked at her judgingly from head to toe. It kind of made Jisoo uncomfortable as she laughed awkwardly over her scrutinizing gaze, "Do I have dirt on my face?" she asked.

"No," the girl finally spoke.

She beamed in a sigh of relief, "Ah, I thought I have something on my face because—"

"I meant no, you cannot borrow this book," the girl interrupted her with a harsh tone and raised her brow at her.

"Uh," Jisoo didn't know what to say. She scratched her head shyly, "Okay. Thank you."

The girl was obviously confused as to why she was thanking her. Her brows furrowed but she didn't say a word and turned her back at her.

However, before she could leave, Jisoo spoke, "By the way, have I seen you?" she curiously said.

The stranger glanced over her shoulder, her eyes remaining sharp, "I don't think so," she replied in a cold manner.

Jisoo nodded and was about to say something again but the girl left already. Something kind of bothered her. She knew she was familiar. Was she just imagining things? Her gut feel tells her otherwise.

Weird, I think I saw her somewhere before, she thought before shrugging it off.

She decided to grab a different book related to it before walking back to Taehyung. She found him holding an open book, seemingly very focused and quiet. It was a new look, she almost thought she had mistaken the table.

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