First kiss

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After you all watched the sunset, you all went back to the WDW house and you and Daniel went onto the balcony. He turned to you and put his finger under your chin and tilted your head up. Your eyes met his...

Your POV: His eyes are so beautiful...I just want to kiss him so bad.

The next thing you knew...his lips were on yours.


You both broke the kiss and stared into your eyes.

Daniel: "Y/N, I love you. With all of my heart. I want to have a family with you and grow old with you. I would die for you a million times just to know that you are happy and safe. Y/N, I love you so much and I couldn't imagine my life without you. I wouldn't be the same and I wouldn't know what to do. I'm terrified of losing you and I don't ever want to live a day in my life without you. Will my girlfriend?"

You started crying tears of joy at his words. You cupped his face and looked into his eyes.

Y/N: "My god..your eyes are so beautiful...yeas Daniel...I would love to be your girlfriend."

Daniel kissed you and hugged you tight. He pulled a tiny box out of his pocket and opened it. Inside were two promise rings:

He slid one onto your finger and the other onto his

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He slid one onto your finger and the other onto his. You kissed him and hugged him.

Y/N: "I love you so much, Daniel"

Daniel: "I love you too, Y/N"

You both went back inside and you changed into your P-J's:

You got into Daniels bed and cuddled with him the rest of the night

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You got into Daniels bed and cuddled with him the rest of the night.

The next morning, you woke up and Daniel had his arms around you.

You checked your phone and saw that Chirstina put something on her Instagram and Snapchat story:

You checked your phone and saw that Chirstina put something on her Instagram and Snapchat story:

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You giggled at it and it gave you and idea. You were just about to take a picture of daniel until you heard him groan and wake up

Your POV: Crap! Whatever lol

Daniel: "Good morning, beautiful"

Y/N: "Good morning, handsome"

He smiled and kissed your forehead.

Y/N: "Corbyn made pancakes"

Daniel jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. you started laughing and followed him down stairs.

You both sat at the table after getting your food and Christina noticed your rings.

Christina: "Awwww!! Are ya'll dating?!?!?"

Y/N: *blushing*

Daniel: "Yes. I'm happy to call this pure angel my girlfriend."

You started blushing even more and you hid your face.

Gabbie: "awwe you two are so cute"

You blushed.

After you all finished your food, you went upstairs to change:

After you all finished your food, you went upstairs to change:

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You all decided to go to ice cream shop and take a walk after.

After you all got ice cream, you all went to the boardwalk to watch the sunset.

You sat on the end of the boardwalk at stared at the sun while holding Daniels hand.


__End part 8__

Sorry this one was kinda short!!

Hope you enjoyed!


    Emma <3

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