Part 20

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"Where else is there to look?" Tom asked as he was pulled behind Maisy up the stairs. Maisy stopped walking and looked at him, confused.

"The other room. We never even looked in that room, if I had to bet I'd say they're keeping Lucy and Marco in there. Come on we should get there fast." Maisy smiled before yanking him up the stairs again. They reached the door and Tom looked inside.

Inside the room he could see Lucy, strapped to a table in the middle of the room. A guard stood in front of her holding a large needle in his hand. He reached forward and grabbed Lucy's forehead pointing the needle to the middle of her forehead. Maisy could tell what would happen next, she didn't want to stick around long enough to see it.

Maisy threw open the door, tackling the guard and knocking the needle out of his hand. "Maisy!" Tom yelled, he went to run after her but he could feel someone grab him from behind, he turned his head to see another guard was standing just out of view and was now holding him back from helping Maisy. He looked back at Maisy to see she was being held by another guard as well. The guard Maisy had tackled stood back up, grabbing the needle from the ground.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't have come here." The guard frowned. "Now that you're here we wont be able to proceed with the extraction as planned we'll have to..." His voice trailed off as he glanced at Lucy. He grabbed a full needle off a table in front of him instead of the empty needle he held before and the stabbed it into Lucy's torso. Maisy cried, fighting the guard off her and running over to Lucy. The guard moved to grab her again but the man holding the needle waved him off. 

Maisy rushed to Lucy's side as tears rushed down her cheeks. "Lucy? L-Luce? Can you hear me?" Maisy cried, clutching Lucy's hand.

"She isn't going to wake up. Not unless someone woke her up. Of course that would only happen with an injection of adrenaline and that could possibly kill her if you don't do it right. Then again, without a dose of adrenaline she'll die anyway from the injection I've already given her so, well I'm afraid it's a lose-lose situation." The man frowned mockingly. Maisy looked back at Tom, his eyes started to glow again. "Sad to lose someone so close to you huh? It must be hard." Once again there was a bright flash, Maisy squeezed her eyes shut and when she opened them again the guards were once again tied up and the man who had injected Lucy was knocked out on the ground, at least Maisy hoped he was just knocked out. 

Tom stared at Maisy as she immediately began rummaging through the different viles, needles, and syringes trying to read the labels. She frantically looked at all of them as tears continued to spill out of her eyes. "Which one is it which one is it which one is it." She muttered as she read them, finally finding one labeled as 'adrenaline'. She held the needle up and clutched Lucy's hand. "It's going to be okay, it's all going to be okay." She whispered, petting Lucy's head

"Maisy..." Tom muttered, blank faced as he stepped closer to her. She ignored his words, still crying and petting Lucy's hair. He placed his hand on her shoulder, speaking softly. "Maisy, I don't think there's anything we can do-" 

"He said it would save her!" Maisy yelled, snapping her head towards Tom and squeezing her tear filled eyes shut. "He said a dose of adrenaline would save her. That's what this is so it'll save her it'll bring her back so I just have to inject this and then she'll be okay." Maisy rambled, pushing the needle up to Lucy's arm.

"I don't think it's going to work, we don't know if he was telling us the truth." Tom reminded, but it was too late, Maisy had already injected the liquid into Lucy's arm. After a moment Lucy's eyes shot open and she began gasping for air, her hands grasped the part of her stomach that the man had stabbed the needle into.

"Luce? Lucy?" Maisy grinned, brushing away her tears as she grabbed Lucy hand. Lucy looked at her and smiled.

"Hey." She grinned back. Tom stared at the two girls, he seemed even sadder than he was before. His eyes stung as they began welling up with tears.

"He's not here... He's not-" 


Tom's head whipped around as he saw a figure move in the farthest corner of the room. After a closer look he could see Marco, chained against the wall, sitting in the corner. Tom rushed over to him, his eyes still pouring out tears. He held Marco tight in his arms, sobbing into the red hoodie he always wore.

"I thought you were gone." Tom sobbed. "We couldn't find you anywhere and I thought you were gone." He tightened his grasp around the boy and Marco cracked a small smile, his face was muddy and it was clear he had been taking a beating.

"I'm sorry I worried you." Marco smiled back. "But you're here now, so it's okay." He reminded before shaking the chains a little. "I do have to say, I wouldn't mind being able to hug you back right now." He laughed, making himself cough a little. Tom pulled back and his eyes widened a little, scrambling to unlock the cuffs around Marco's hands.

"Sorry, sorry I guess I was a little distracted." Tom rambled, unlocking the cuffs. The moment they had been unlocked Marco tackled Tom backwards, hugging him just as tightly as Tom had hugged him before. "I'm so sorry it took us so long. And I'm so sorry that we made you go in there alone I never should have done that to you. If I had just gone in myself then you would've been fine I'm so sorry." Tom rambled, once again crying into his jacket.

"Tom." Marco sighed as he listened to his boyfriends apologize profusely.

"No really this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you go like that." Tom cried.

"Tom." Marco's voice was louder this time, with more energy put into it. He dropped one of his arms off of Tom's waist.

"I'm never going to leave you like that again. You deserve the world Marco and I... and I want to be the one to give it to you-"

"Tom!" Marco yelled, finally getting Tom's attention, he pulled back and looked at Marco finally noticing that he was pointing somewhere. He followed his arm until he saw what he was pointing at.

In all the distraction of reunited loves, no one had noticed the man Tom had knocked out get back up, he pulled out a knife, standing behind Maisy and Lucy who were too distracted in conversation and raised it up, plunging it into Lucy's stomach before Tom raced over and knocked him out one final time.

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