CHAPTER 11: Remember your place, Emilia.

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Song: Unstoppable by Sia


"Li uccideró," Emilia whispered. I exhaled a deep breath as I rubbed my temple.

I turned to Jack. Thankfully, he was still dazedly staring at the table.

I gave Emilia a stern look. "Calm down and follow me."

"Hey, Jack?" I stood up and patted Jack's arm. He snapped his head to me. "We actually need to buy a few things. Would you mind if we leave first?"

"Uh no. No, that's fine, I'll just call my sister to come and take me home," he said, forcing a smile. I fished my wallet and took out a few cash but he stopped me. "The meal's on me, Elina. You saved me yesterday too, this is the least I can do for now."

I smiled and nodded. "We shall see you tomorrow."

He nodded but he struggled to return the smile.

Emilia and I walked out of the building and walked back to my Jeep. Both of us were quiet. Not a single word was uttered as I drove us back to our house.

We got out of the car and walked towards the house. It was already dark. The lights were off because I had forgotten to turn them on earlier. Emilia followed behind me.

"You knew, didn't you?" she asked before I could reach the door. "You knew about James' relationship with that man."

"I did."

"Then why?" she asked.

"Why what?" I asked, looking sternly at her dead in the eyes.

"Why do you treat him less aggressively than you usually do with others? You think I haven't noticed?" she asked, incredulously, "And you saved him? Why?! I know you, Eli. You don't just go around saving people just because you want to and of all people you saved him."

"Must I remind you why I came back to Cambridgeshire?" I asked.

"Because you are on a mission," she stated.

"Because I am on a mission." I repeated. "And you know that I will not have anything nor anyone compromise my job. Not even your petty grudge against this family."

Her eyes widened with bewilderment at what I had just said. She clenched her fist with anger as her gaze turned to a scowl.

"How could you say that?" she hissed. "You of all people should know what kind of people they are! You of all people should know what they mean to our family!"

"Your family!" I yelled which startled her. Her expression softened at my response. She flinched as I charged towards her and stopped to stand right in front of her. "Your family, not mine!"

"Eli, I-" she started but I cut her off.

"Remember your place, Emilia," I muttered in a low voice as I walked back to my Jeep. Without giving her a chance to say anything else, I quickly drove away.

My eyes fixed on the seemingly endless rode as my grip on the leather wheel tightened. There were many people walking around on the side of the streets as it was still early. I tried to push away what Emi said from my head as I unconsciously stepped harder on the gas. My heartbeat accelerated along with it. I briskly stirred the wheel to pass other cars, never once bothering to press the brake.

I heard a few drivers curse and honk at me but I did not care. A bus almost hit my side of the Jeep but I did not flinch nor blink. Instead, I relished on the adrenaline it gave me. I was used to this. This was what my whole being was designed for. Facing death without ever fearing it. Death became my enemy that day at the bridge, nine years ago, when he had forsaken me when I wanted him most. I drove faster and faster not really knowing where my destination was.

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