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"The Sea's Witch" Pov

"Pesky trespassers, they never learn," I huff as I clean up my parchment and ink. "I'm going to have to go back and reset the signal because of them. And! On the night of a half moon!"

I hear the flutter and flapping of wings come from my window I had left open and turn to see the seagull I had sent out.

"And you! What were you thinking leading someone here?" I complain as I walk over to it.

The seagull familiar ruffles its feathers in an offended manner.

"Well excuse me, this trespasser requested that we did. They even gave us food."

I sigh heavily in frustration, knowing that no matter what I said it wouldn't mean anything.

"Why did you come back anyway?"

"Our newest friend left you a note, left it right where they entered."

"Great, now I have to go get the note cause you aren't going to do it are you?"

"Not while you are having a tantrum or have that attitude."

I hold back a snarl as I turn away.

"Fine then, go on and do whatever."

I need some sleep before I have to deal with this nonsense. I went to bed to have a quite wonderful night of restlessness, still boiling over the trespasser.

"Trespasser"s POV

I woke up stiffer than a board as I tried to get the annoying light of dawn out of my eyes. Sunlight. Gross. In an attempt to salvage my back, I swing my legs up to rock me forward onto my butt, only to fall back hard on the rocky ground. Seizing up, my eyes widen from the harsh pain thundering through my head. I carefully move a finger to check if everything is working and slowly make my way up using my arms and legs. Crap, crap, crap. I'm chanting childish curses as I try to ignore the dampness below my head, just barely there but I was alarmed regardless.

"You seem to be in a bit of a pinch, Young witch," an irritating voice squawks at me.

I only glare at the stupid seagull that's standing by my arm, too afraid to move my head in case I injured anything else.

"Need some help from your dear old pal again?" He teased, his eyes glinting in the still annoyingly bright dawn light.

"I could get the other witch on the beach, although last I checked they were throwing a tantrum about how you were trespassing on their beach. Talking as if they owned the beach! The nerve," he ranted as he began to pace up and down the length of my arm.

"I don't need your help, or any other witch's for that matter," I hiss through gritted teeth as I swat at the annoying bird.

I move my arm up to my head, feeling around for the source of the opening, which must have been the part that was resting against the rock. I huff as I carefully feel my neck for pain, and sighed in relief when everything felt fine. Sliding my hand under my head, I felt the cut on the back of my head throbbing against my hand but it didn't feel too horrible so with a shrug I pushed myself up onto my elbows to glare at the bird.

"See? I'm fine, I don't need your help," I spit as I continue to sit up, despite how dizzy I felt.

"If you say so, oh- there you go," he comments as he watches me collapse backward, just barely catching myself before I hit the ground again.

"Stupid head injuries," I complain as I sit myself up again, successfully this time.

To my annoyance, I couldn't help but feel the blood trickling down my neck and the pain was still attacking my head.

"I think you really do need help for that Young Witch," the seagull stands by my side, carefully looking up at the back of my head.

"Nothing a little bandage and sleep can't fix," I huff as I grab my bag and search for the black bandages I kept stored.

I unrolled the ball and began to wrap it around my head, only to stop short from not being able to get all around my head.

"You wanted to help? Well now's your time," I sneer as I held the bandage out for the bird to take.

"You aren't going to clean it?"

"With what? Seawater?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag but, I know a witch that can help with that little problem."

"Not happening," I bite back as I find a way to wrap my head with the black bandage.

"Fine then, I'm one call away if you need any help Young Witch," the bird sighs in defeat before he takes off, probably to go to the Sea Witch.

"Need any help from your dear old pal," I imitated sourly as I grab my bag to venture farther into the cove that I had found hours ago. "The only person I want help from won't help me anymore."

Sea Witch POV

I shove my hands into my pockets as I trudge out in the sand towards the boundary between the beach and the forest.

"Stupid young witches and their decisions to have an adventure," I grumble as I approach the broken branch.

I stutter to a stop as I eye the glittering silver ribbon, gently flowing in the soft sea breeze and reflecting the beautiful dawn's light. Carefully picking up the soft parchment paper, feeling brand new despite the crinkles, I slip the soft ribbon off the paper opening it to a slightly harsh letter, totally contradicting the soft silver-grey ink.

"Dear Sea Witch,

Last I checked I wasn't trespassing because according to the official Witch's Map of Territory, feel free to check my source, this is unclaimed territory and shouldn't be occupied by any witch. So until you show me your official documents I'm gonna be here for a while. Feel free to find me to bring up any problems or issues, but only at night. If you try talking to me during the day I will not be a very happy gal.


A Witch of Night"

I sneer at the letter, stuffing it in the small bag that I had strung over my shoulder. Quickly resetting the signal, I wander back to my cottage, scalding with anger. A Night Witch. Troublesome witch more like it.

A/N: Poor editing? Check. Motivation? Uh, maybe later...

Anywho, how y'all feeling bout this new journey with yours truly and just life in general? I hope y'all are doing well otherwise we'll need to have a chat lol.

I'm messing around with the format a bit because, well, I want this to be a lot cleaner and just better looking than what I did before.

- Kari :)

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