Human needs

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"(Y/n)! What has gotten into you!?" Your mother scolded when you threw another hissy fit, crying, sobbing and stomping your feet on the ground. Your parents are very shocked because you're usually calm and collected, very quiet because you're always asleep.

But now... you're extremely moody, maybe you're hungry?

That's right. You're hungry and thirsty. Milky felt terrible letting you experience this after a while of living like an immortal god, but in order to try and reduce the suspicion that you're... something else, he needs to return your mortality temporarily.

Because you deliberately skipped lunch this afternoon, you felt very hungry. Milky now isn't nourishing your cells with his own substance. You certainly won't die, you're just feeling extremely uncomfortable since you're not used to this anymore.

"Stop! Behave yourself!" Your Father stepped in and berated you while restraining your hands.

You ignored him and continued wailing and screeching, thrashing in his grip. You're frustrated that you can't sleep, you can't see or touch Milky, of course you can't keep your emotions in check— you don't know how to!

All this while, Milky was taking control of the wheel, making sure you think rationally and calm down quickly. Coupled with your fluctuating hormones in your body, you're at your worst.

"What do you want!?" Your father  restrained your small wrists.

"I don't know!" You screamed back, you're hungry and thirsty. It's been so long since you experienced this, you forgot what your stomach pains means and it's unbearable without Milky to suppress it.

"My dear friend, you are hungry and thirsty. Please ask for food and water." You froze when you hear a faint whisper behind you.

"Milky!?" You turned around to see no one. Oh, it made you feel so much worse. It felt like the universe is toying with you, mocking you.

The creator is quite literally, playing god with you and especially Milky.

You sobbed loudly.

"Who is Milky!? You've been calling that name over and over!" Your father snapped at you.

"He's my friend! I want to see him again— I want to sleep! Please! I want to sleep!" You thrashed in your father's grip, you're causing a huge scene in the hospital's lobby. Many eyes were on you as they murmured among each other.

"(Y/n)! Stop it!" Your father yelled. You did not care, you continued screaming, spitting and howling.

Your parents are devastated. They knew you were always mild mannered, you wouldn't act out like this on purpose. What is causing you to go berserk? Who is Milky? If it was an imaginery friend that you've grown too attached too, why didn't you talk about him before? Why now? Why do you want to sleep so badly?

Milky wants to calm you down immediately. But then, by doing so, he'll knock you out unconscious. He doesn't want that, that was what brought you here in the first place.

Milky has no choice but to reason with you like a human. Hopefully everything will turn out fine.

"My dear friend—"

"M-Milky!? Where are you!?" You screeched as you turned your head around.

"I am the voice in your mind, please... listen to me." You slowed your movements, but your breathing has increased. Almost as if you're asthmatic, gasping short breaths.

Milky took note of the low oxygen levels going to your brain. He can't inject his own nutrients into you anymore. He must make you relearn how to be human again. Or else he will get caught by those pesky scientists.

"Take deep breaths, (y/n)." You stopped and tried your best to inhale deeply, nourishing your lungs with air.

Your parents watch you with baffled faces, you suddenly... calmed down? What is happening to their daughter? What calmed you down? Was it the stares?

Was it your 'friend', Milky?

Now, your celestial friend needs to coordinate your eyes, touch and smell receptors. You're in a state of confusion and you need to be aware of your realistic surroundings. You need to come back to reality.

"(Y/n), can you tell me what you see in front of you?" Milky calmly and slowly asked. Your trembling lips parted to speak.

"I-I-I see mo-mommy..." you whimpered as you try to control your breathing. Your parents' ears perked up at your words.

"Very good... what is the colour of her clothes?" Milky continued.

"(F-f-f/c)...?" You stuttered.

"Can you tell me if the room is cold? Or is it hot?" You stopped yourself from moving to let your arms feel the air. It's freezing. How did you not feel this before? Now, all you want to do is to go somewhere warm.

Milky's ballroom is warm.

"I-It's v-very c-cold..." Your parents eyes widened at your statement. Your mother quickly took out an (f/c) jacket and wrapped it around you. Now Milky needs to coordinate touch, sight and comprehension.

"Can you tell me what your mother gave you?" Milky continued.

"A-a jacket... it- it's w-warm a-and so-soft..." you mumbled. Milky checked the performance of your body, of course you're still hungry and thirsty. At least, enough oxygen is going into your body and you're not freezing to death.

To your parents, it's worrying. You're talking to yourself, describing everything that is obvious like you're 'not there'.

Or... maybe you're not describing it to yourself, but someone else. Why? Who? How?

You spent a few more minutes mumbling about what you saw, what you feel, what you smelled, what you hear until your heart and breathing rate are reduced to normal.

"My dear friend, can you do something for me?" Milky asked gently.

"Y...yeah?" You replied to the voice in your head.

"Thank you. You are hungry and thirsty. Please tell your parents you need to eat and drink, do you understand?" You hesitantly nodded. So, the stomach pains and the unpleasant feeling in your mouth are the sensation of thirst and hunger!

Your parents stared at you.

"...can I have something to eat and drink?" Your maturity is back.

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