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"You aren't going to strap me down or anything?" Adrian laughed. The mattress he lay on was without sheets of any sought; stained and eaten at the corners from age; but it was the cleanest one they had.

Ren was on his knees next to him, watching a small cube of white sizzle into liquid as he held a lighter under a spoon.
"Nope... the heroin should take care of that." He said without moving his eyes off his operation.

Vicky crossed her arms, more than a little bit nervous. She had been standing slightly behind Ren as if to not fully get involved in what they were doing. The sky outside was slowly melting into a dark paradise of white dots, and she had dressed accordingly. A pink nighty which she had complained to Ren about because it 'hugged her breasts too tight'. The skinny border-collie had simply chuckled and responded 'Well, we can't have it doing my job, now can we?' He had kissed her then.
Now, beginning to sweat at the sight of that needle, she rested her paws on Ren's shoulders. "Are you sure you know what you're doing babe?"

"Vic," Ren said, his voice low. "I was an addict a few year's back; this is one of the only things I know how to do."

The leopard bit her lip in silence.

After a small while of Ren's faint, metallic flicking on the tip of the syringe, he readied it in his paw and cleared his throat.
"You sure still you want to do this?"

Adrian felt his eyes drop onto the syringe... god that thing looked sharp. Filled with clear yet distorted liquid. Like how the air would look on the business-end of a jet turbine.
He swallowed his nervousness in a single gulp and nodded his greasy head.

Ren took a moment to look his brother in his pale green eyes, and for a minute, he almost didn't recognize him as Adrian. A rapist in a slow transition into a drug addict. His father. But as he blinked a final time Adrian was back in all his familiarity, back with all his wittiness and charm.
"Well... alright then..." He undid his belt from his own waist and tightened it around Adrian's arm. It looked like a black snake, cutting off most of his circulation. With a quick sigh, Ren parted the black fur on Adrian's underarm and found the vain, readying the syringe over it. A viper, ready to strike with its venom.
"Try not to flinch."

Adrian closed his eyes and winced. Sharp, cold, but quick pain.

The sheep-dog lay his head down - keeping his eyes shut - and he felt Vicky tuck a pillow under it.
"Lay on your side."

Woah, shit.... things are starting to melt now... ooh there they go...
"Huh?" Adrian said drunkly.

Ren bit his lip and did it for him, rolling his brother into the recovery position before he wedged a folded pillow against his back.
He patted Adrian on the arm.
"You know... just in case anything comes back up..."

Adrian couldn't figure out what that meant. His eyes were closed, and he was sooo tired... did it mean throw up? Or did it mean something ellslssssssssssssseeee..... ohhhh shiiiit..... the underside... of his eyelids... were amazing...


Did they always swirl around like that?... did they always look like ballet dancers made of fuzzy lights... like he was watching swan-lake through a colidoscope?... haha... colidoscope... what a dumb word... its like, colido? But scopes?... huh... wow that's weird.... Scope... hehe that's fun to saayyyy... scope... scope, scope, scope...

Hahaha... ammmm I chuckling? Nooooooo... chuckles are bad... bad like... bad like a... bad like skim-milk... that's a dumber... word. Skim... Skim, Skim, skuh... s-s-skuh... ski-im... sus, s-stuttering... stuttering s-skim...

Furry High (furry 'coming of age' story) R18+Where stories live. Discover now