Chapter 8

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This is the first real story I've started writing, so I'm sorry if it isn't the best. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway though. <3

Alice made sure the jar was tightly shut. She set it down on the table.
" I get some of this tea?"

With that, they all chatted and drank tea until dark. "Alice, you can't stay here all night. You need a place to stay," said Hare.

"She can stay with me," Hattie suggested.

Alice agreed. Hattie picked up his top hat (which matched his black skinny jeans, but not his green t-shirt) and Alice picked up the jar. They made their way toward Hattie's house.

The shape of Hattie's house reminded Alice of the hobbit houses from the outside. When they stepped inside, Hattie told Alice that he only had four rooms in the house. "I'll show you around," he said.

He had a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a kitchen. In the living room, there was a small, dark brown coffee table with a deck of cards and a coaster sitting on it. He had a big, purple sofa that looked really comfortable. There was also a matching rocking chair. They made their way into the kitchen. He had a huge chandelier with little crystals that looked like raindrops. The dining table was the same color as the coffee table in the living room. He had nice wooden stools at the table. He showed her where the bathroom was, and she settled herself on the couch.

Hattie had gotten her a blanket and pillow. At that moment, she felt safer in Wonderland than she had in a long time. She watched Hattie as he cleaned his kitchen. He wasn't wearing a shirt. He looked very muscular. His red hair was all over the place.

He finished cleaning the kitchen and walked over to the couch. He squatted down to look in her eyes. "Goodnight, Alice," he said.

"Goodnight, Hattie," she replied.

He stayed there and looked in her eyes. He started leaning towards her.

"What are you doing?!"

"Shhhhhhh," Hattie said. He kept leaning and he kissed her. It was just a little peck, and then he pulled away. His lips were soft and gentle.

Alice looked at him. She felt all these emotions that she had never felt before. She'd been stuck in that asylum for so long. Now she was here in Wonderland, and she was with someone who actually seemed to truly care about her.

He was about to get up and go to bed, but she leaned over and kissed him back. Soon, they were making out. Alice wrapped her hands around Hattie's neck, and he had his hands on her waist. Alice was soon on top of him, and Hattie squeezed her ass.

"We should go to my room," Hattie said.

"Yeah let's do that."

Hattie scooped her up and gently put her down on his bed. He then sat down beside her and she got on top of him and wrapped her legs around him. They continued to make out. Hattie took Alice's shirt off. He started to take her bra off, but she stopped him.

"Do you have a condom?" Alice asked.

"You don't need condoms in Wonderland," he reassured.

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