Question 4 - B

517 25 2

Brendon: who was your first kiss?

Ryan: that would be Samathan Taylor

Brendon: you're joking

Ryan: no judging she was a very sweet girl back then

Brendon: when did this happen

Ryan: fifth grade during passing period kinda had a thing for her before my rise in popularity

Brendon: would you kiss her now

Ryan: are you insane??

Brendon: why it's just a question

Ryan: the woman had a mental break down and almost killed her ex boyfriend in the process

Ryan: If I had those prepubescent feelings now I could have been the one she almost stabbed at the drive-in

Brendon: eh world would've done well with one less asshole

Ryan: words hurt Urie they hurt bad

Brendon: I'm kidding! What would I do if you weren't here to bug me with questions

Ryan: shut up you enjoy it

Brendon: like you enjoyed that first kiss??

Ryan: we're not gonna talk about that

Brendon: alright alright had to try

Ryan: It was awkward and wet

Ryan: I've had so much practice since then that I could make a girl wet or a guy hard just from a single make out

Brendon: oh..

Ryan: what's wrong?

Ryan: curious? 😜

Brendon: no just idk

Ryan: it's okay to be curious Bren

Ryan: it's what makes us human after all

Brendon: shouldn't you ask a question now?

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