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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Deep Water
Artist: American Authors
Chapter Name: ⚠️ Not While I'm Around ⚠️

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

"I was raped."

Shouta's head turns toward his student at the speed of lightning.

"The way that nurse said it...it triggered something in my memory—and the thing with Yaoyorozu—it just got to me again." Bakugou looks down at his legs in shame.

Aizawa softens his look and closes his jaw, which had dropped. He sighs and looks at Bakugou. He lightly starts rubbing tiny circles on the kid's back as Katsuki starts to whimper under his breath. He says ever so gently, "Kid, that event earlier with the nurse wasn't your fault. I know rape recovery can be tough, believe me. And even though I never went through it, I watched Mic heal from it."

Katsuki looks up at his teacher with sunken eyes. Tears on the edge of falling down from his red eyes.

"It's fine to cry, you know? It makes you strong, not weak." Shouta states while gently urging Katsuki closer to him. Unexpectedly, Katsuki accepts the form of comfort and moves closer while starting to let tears fall.

And as soon as Katsuki feels Shouta's arm lightly holding him in a side hug, that's when he breaks. "I didn't...I-I didn't m-mean too! I n-never w-wanted the n-nerd-d to d-d-die!" Katsuki exclaims while sobbing. "He w-was just s-so a-annoying at t-the time."

Shouta rubs the blonde's arm softly, and questions, "When exactly did you tell Midoriya to do what he did? You're talking like it was over a month ago."

"H-uh?" Katsuki's voice cracks as he breathes heavily, "It w-was the i-in the beginning of o-our third y-year in m-middle school." Katsuki stutters out tiredly. "Of c-course the n-nerd didn't d-do anything t-then."

"Did you apologize?" Aizawa perks his eyebrow up.

"In m-my own f-fucking w-way, if t-that counts-s." Katsuki looks away again, with a little pout in his face. It's hard for Shouta not to 'aw' at the boy in the moment.

Suddenly, Bakugou starts hacking again. Shouta quickly pulls him out of the water and over to the drain so he doesn't ruin the bath. Katsuki hunches over and retches again, Shouta trying to comforting the boy while he is throwing up.

Katsuki starts sobbing heavily again, wanting the burning feeling in his throat to go away for good. His head hurts, and he feels really warm. He's not sweating, which isn't a good sign. He tries to sit up while he's still throwing up, signaling to Aizawa that he's starting to have a panic attack. Shouta gently tries to calm Bakugou down, but fails with no avail.

"Hey, Bakugou, it's alright. You're alright. I promise, no one's gonna hurt you. Just let it out. I know it sucks, but you just gotta deal with it. If not, I'm probably gonna have to take you to the E.R." Shouta explains with worry.

That sets Katsuki off.

"NO! I D'NT W'NNA GO! I D'NT W'NNA GO BACK!" Katsuki screams and slurs his words as he stops puking for a second. "I d'nt w'nna see him ag'in." Katsuki falls on his stomach out of exhaustion. This sets Shouta on a worry streak. 'Is he talking about Izuku? Is he talking about Hizashi?'

"Bakugou, did something happen with Hisashi when you were little?" Shouta sternly asks.

"N-no, at l-least not to m-me. H-he beat...I-Izuku though." Katsuki mutters while trying to sit back up again. His breathing is extremely heavy now, which alerts Shouta that the kid's not in a good state of mind.

"He beat Midoriya? Oh shit, no wonder you were so pissy towards him earlier." Shouta says shocked. "Can you explain what happened to you at the E.R then if Hisashi didn't do anything to you? Please kid, if you can, please talk to me. If you can't it's fine, but I want to help."

"O-okay, f-fine."


Back with Toshinori at the hospital, he stomps down the ICU halls looking for Izuku's room.

'That god damn Hisashi Midoriya is a menace. How could Inko fall in love with someone like him?' Yagi thinks as he quickly jogs to Izuku's room.

Finally, he reaches room 143; Izuku's room.


In that moment, Toshinori can swear he wants to kill—kill the bastard who hurt his kid.

His kid.

Hisashi is on top of Izuku in a position that he should not be with Izuku cowering under him, pleading with the man to get off of him. The kid is wrapped up in bandages pretty much everywhere, but he sees Hisashi trying to take them off.

It is now also proven that Hisashi Midoriya is a dead man.


Who wants to commit murder?


Who can't commit murder because it's against the law?

Also me.

I stomp up to the bed and throw Hisashi off Izuku. I go up to him and kick him against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing, you little mother-fucker?" I say with not emotion. Rage is seething threw my teeth like air. I kick my leg into his stomach, making the coward grunt in pain. I quickly put on a smirk.

Serves him right.

Nobody hurts my student and gets away with it. Nobody hurts the kid I've been trying to raise with the best of my abilities. No one will ever hurt him again; not while I'm around.

This guys in for a little ass beating.

However, being a former hero, that would be quite troublesome. So I decide to leave him to the police and Midnight once they get here, who I already contacted earlier. Midnight can easily take care of him—I trust her with that.

I wrap his arms up in a spare sheet of cloth, making sure it's tight enough, so that he can't escape. Then I walk over to Izuku, and pull him into a hug.

"A-All M-Might?" The kid says in shock. I just gently pull his head down onto my shoulder and keep him quiet.

Nobody's gonna hurt this kid ever again.

Not while I'm around.


And he's finally being put in jail! Thank god.

He needs to go rot in hell.

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