Yakuza Partnership

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Izuku exited the warp gate into an underground bunker with Animation and Cateye.

It was different from the one they usually met with Giran in. It was clean and pristine with two couches and a coffee table between them in the middle. A plant to the side, somehow surviving without sunlight but it looked well watered. The slight buzz of the air conditioner filled the room. Oh, it also had an air conditioner which was a nice touch.

Izuku brushed off his vest and straightened his sunglasses and gun holder. He felt too dirty to even be in this room. Izuku pulled the face mask up higher a bit on the bridge of his nose before going to sit on the couch closest to the stairway leading up. He sat in the middle, Anima and Cateye stood on either side of him behind the couch. And they waited. Soon, Izuku heard the door from the middle of the room open.

From it came a tall man with short black hair and a long plague doctor's mouth covering his mouth and nose. Alongside him was a much shorter man with a similar mask that covered his whole face. They sat on the other couch across from Izuku and the others.

"Hello, Deku of the Quirkless Rejects," the man greeted in a smooth tone. Izuku felt a shiver go down his spine. He had never met someone so intimidating before, and with just a few words too. That intimidation was quickly replaced by excitement at the possibility of a partnership with this man and the Eight Precepts of Death, more well known as the Yakuza in the dark undersociety. Oh, how he couldn't wait. Izuku grinned.

"Hello, Chisaki," he greeted.

Izuku did not extend the man a hand. He had heard of the man's germaphobia and thought better of it.

"So, " Chisaki spoke first, "we have heard a lot about you and your cause and we believe you have heard a lot about us. That is why you have come looking for us, am I right?"

Izuku nodded. "That is. Through many sources, we have come to the conclusion that you have something that would be quite beneficial to our cause. A drug that can boost a quirk and a shot that can take a quirk away."

Chisaki hummed. "You have done your research, Deku." Izuku simply nodded. "In turn," Chisaki continued, "our goals line up quite well, I'd say." Izuku nodded again. "Would you be interested in a partnership, Chisaki?" he asked.

"I think it would be beneficial to both of us if you are planning on going through with this war."

Izuku had a feeling it was also partially the fact that their quirk-based bullets had almost no effect of the Quirkless Rejects but he wouldn't say that.

"Shall I show you our lodgings since it is likely you will be coming by more often?" Izuku nodded and he followed Chisaki through the door, one hand in his pocket and on the button should he need Kurogiri's assistance.

They walked through many twisted concrete hallways, Chisaki pointing out a few things here and there.

"When can we get a few of the drugs that take away the quirks?" Izuku asked. "Don't get cocky, brat," another Yakuza member nearby grumbled. Izuku ignored him. "We can only make a few at the moment so they are costly," Chisaki replied. "We have the means of purchasing," Izuku assured the older man. "Well, we can discuss that later. Would you like to see where we make them?" Izuku grinned under the mask. "If you wouldn't mind."

Chisaki leads him to a room that was locked shut. He unlocked it. The door creaked open.

In it was an operating table with many test tubes with what looked like blood in them and medical equipment.

"This is where we extract the cells," Chisaki explained.


"Ah, yes, let me introduce you to the main part of our product."

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