Golden websites

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When struggling with writing, there are so many websites to help you out. These websites are some that I use a lot.

My all-time favorite is

Descriptionari is a website where people can post paragraphs from their works and put tags on it. You can then search on different things that you might have difficulties describing in your story such as; corpse, blood, starry night.

Descriptionari is perfect for if you need an extra metaphor or comparison. It is honestly golden.

The next website that I use a lot is

Ordbogen is a danish website but it's basically just a dictionary. The reason that I use dictionaries for writing is that I often search for a word that I know in English, but when I have to find something similar in Danish, I just can't. So using a dictionary to find that one word is really helpful.

Other than that, I use the danish website

Synonymet is a website where you type in a word and it gives you all the synonyms for that word. For example; Synonyms for laughing could be giggling, chuckling, etc.

I do also use when writing in English, simply to control whether I've written the words correctly or not.

The last website I use for writing is

character-generator is a website for creating characters. You can choose how detailed you want the character profile to be, and you can fill in the blanks. Sometimes I create four or five different profiles and take the best from each of them

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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