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<Kaycee POV>

June 3rd.

'There's exactly 35 hours, 44 minutes and 27-oh wait 28, 29 seconds until the lunar eclipse' I squealed excitedly.

'I sear to God, K. We didn't come over to hear you fantasize about your date with Sean' Tahani groaned.

'First of all, it's not a date. Me and Sean are just friends. Best friends. You know he's dating Tate' I replied.

'But still. You guys act all coupley with each other. And you sure don't do that with us' Bailey said looking up at the ceiling. 

'There's nothing going on between Sean and me' I groaned frustrated.

'Well then, let's talk about something that isn't the stupid lunar eclipse' Tahani said resting her head on  a pillow.

'Did you just call the lunar eclipse, stupid? Oh you're gonna get it' I shouted before swiping a pillow across her face.

'Ahhh- pillow fight' Bailey screamed as pillows went flying around all over the place.

This went on for a bit. With Bailey and I ganging up on Tahani and tickling her until she surrendered.

'Okay,okay. Fine guys, I surrender' Tahani breathed out, raising her hands in the air.

'Good' I nodded while high fiving Bailey. ' we make a good team Bails' 

'Hell yeah, we do' Bailey said panting.

'Okay time to clean up' I said clapping my hand and dragging the two latter of the bed.

<Sean POV>

It was June 3rd today. And honestly the thought of going on date again in like 2 days with Tate made me feel slightly uneasy. But I forced my self to believe I just felt that way because it was a date. It totally didn't have anything to do with the fact that she called me Shamu and kept dissing Kaycee. Definitely not.

Besides she's been acting a whole lot nicer recently. She's been helping me cook whenever she comes around to my place and she's making a greater effort to befriend my family. What more could I ask for? Right?

We were having a game night with the Rice's tomorrow.And I tried to let the thought of that occupy my mind. I was ecstatic. Game night with the Rice's were always so much fun. They'd all come over tomorrow. And it was most likely that Kaycee would stay over the night. Then she'd probably leave after breakfast the next day and I'd go on my date at night. Everything seems well organized. Don't worry.

I was currently hanging out with Julian and Josh. We haven't talked properly since the fallout at the last movie night with our friends. So I decided to clear things up with them today. I know I could have done it sooner but things have been especially haywire so, yeah.

'Hey guys, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about the whole Tate thing' I spoke up.

'Look dude, it's fine. She was your first girlfriend we should have given you some space' Josh said.

'Yeah, how are things with you guys anyways?' Julian asked.

'Fine, I guess. We're going on a date on the 5th so yeah'

'Oh cool. You really like her, huh?' Julian asked quizzically p.

'Yeah, I think I do. But I feel like me and Kaycee have grown apart as a result.' I confessed.

'What do you mean dude' Josh asked, looking away from his phone.

'I don't know. I honestly don't know. But we barely text each other now. Shes never over at my house. And when she did come over, she didn't even sleep in my room'

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