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Bella and Rolly were both shocked by the sudden changes and did not know what had happened.

Everyone around them looked at Bella and Rolly with curious eyes, wondering whether they were dangerous terrorists. Because they involved the military, no one dared to shoot.

Suddenly, a man walked to Bella and said, "Lady Bella, please come with us." Bella saw him and immediately recognized that he was the security guard by William's side. What else could she not understand?

This was another matter that the sucker William did.

"I won't go," Bella replied coldly.

"Lady Bella, then forgive us." The guard looked at Bella in apology and said to the person behind him, "Take her away."

After saying that, the soldiers behind him had forcibly taken away Bella despite her struggles.

Rolly was a loss, and he did not know what is happening. It was not until Bella was taken away that he reacted. Looking at Bella that had disappeared, he was panicked and he did not know what to do.

Bella was taken away by the military so he could not call the police. he stayed outside for a long time in distraction and did not return home until dark.

He didn't know what Bella had returned home long ago.

Bella was really sullen, and she really did not think that William would dare to be so bold in public.

"You're back?" William saw Bella appear in front of him again, and he finally nodded contentedly; "How's it going? Did you have fun today?" 

Bella takes a deep breath, trying to suppress her anger, but...

She was still angry!

"What do you mean?" Bella asked eagerly. "What do you want?"

When Bella thought about what William had done, she got angrier and angrier.

He did not answer Bella. Instead, he looked at her and said, "You and the guy neighboring are out to the concert." Bella heard the slightest grievance from William's tone.

"In the future, don't do to the music concert with others. If you want to, I can take you there. You can listen to any band you want." He said, "Wouldn't you really like that guy?"

"Who do I like? How does it have anything to do with you?" Bella sat down on the chair angrily.

"How could it be okay? You're destined to be my woman in your life." William directly indicated his possession of Bella.

Bella wanted to smirk. He was too confident! "Do you think I'll believe you again?" Bella squinted at him. Her expression was cold. "I don't know what you and Tony's purpose is, but I won't believe it anymore. You guys, you don't have to waste any more effort."

William knew that he had lied to Bella. She would not be so calm down so quickly, but it didn't matter. he said, "You don't believe. Okay, anyway, we still have a lifetime."

"Huh."  Bella smiled coldly, not saying anything. William did not insist on that, Bella must believe him right now... Even if the methods were not so bright and Bella was not so willing, he only wanted to accompany Bella.

William did not want to be caught in this matter, so he said, "It's already very late. I'm going to cook. You can help me." Bella was still angry, but when she heard cooking, she nodded and said, "Okay."

She did not eat at noon. Now, she was already hungry. Her own cooking skills were bad, so she had to rely on William. The two went to the kitchen together. At night, he was very confident and said, "Today, let's make what you like."

Bella was still angry because William had asked the army to take her back. So Bella wanted to deliberately embarrass him, and said, "I don't want to eat that few things today. I want to eat garlic stained fan scallops, garlic shrimp with prawns, and fried port liver with green peppers."

After hearing the words of Bella, the expression on his face stiffened for a moment.

"What? Impossible?" Bella asked as he looked at him.

"It's not impossible, but I rarely cook the dishes you said." William said seriously, "I'm afraid that I can't do it well."

Bella looked a little weird at William, but she didn't think much about it. After all, William's cooking was so good that even if he was not proficient in those dishes, it would not be hard to eat.

But soon, she would know that she was wrong. At this moment, Bella saw that he was reluctant. He did not like to eat these dishes.

"It's alright, I don't mind. I want to eat these tonight." Bella raised her eyebrows and looked provocatively at William.

Didn't William want to cook for her? That would be done. She wanted to eat something he was not good at cooking.

"You cannot. Do you?"Bella asked.

"No." William was silent for a while and then said, "Then, you can help me peel off the garlic. I'll go out for a while and come back soon."

After William was finished, he went out. And without any doubt, Bella started peeling the garlic.

It wasn't too long before William returned, and Bella was about to finish her work.

When William was cooking, he always took out his phone to look at it. Bella looked at him a few times. If he was so busy for work, then he needn't go here.

She had already said that she would not be fooled by them again.

He made three dishes and took an hour to complete them. In addition, the process was difficult. The dishes almost burned, but in the end, they were finished.

If it was not because Bella didn't saw William cooking before, based on her performance today, she would have thought that the dishes that he made before were done by others rather than him.

Although the process was not very good, at least the outcome should be good.

Bella spent the whole night with William, and she was already hungry. At this point, she couldn't wait to start eating.

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