Part 7

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The episode begins with an overhead shot of the Pro-bending Arena. The glass dome is damaged, and construction scaffolding surrounds it. Some cars are parked near the entrance, blocked off by police tape. The view shifts to show Korra arriving on Naga, dismounting, and ducking under the yellow tape. In their apartment, Mako places a red shirt into a box.

Varron [Observing the scene.] Looks like they're really shutting this place down.

Y/n [With Bolin's enthusiastic tone.] Man, remember all the crazy matches we had here?

Mako [Voice-over.] It's hard to believe this is happening.

Varron [Agreeing.] Yeah, it's the end of an era.

Y/n [With Bolin's playful attitude.] The arena may be gone, but we'll always have the memories!

Bolin [In the distance, reminiscing.] Those were the days.

Korra [Arriving excitedly.] Hey, guys! Guess what? I've got some good news. I talked to Tenzin, and I arranged for you to stay on Air Temple Island with me!

Y/n [Surprised.] Seriously?

Varron [Curious.] Air Temple Island, huh?

Mako [Politely declining.] Thanks, Korra, but we already got an offer from Asami. She invited us to live in her dad's mansion.

Bolin [Grinning.] Yeah, we're gonna be living the high life from now on!

Asami enters holding Pabu.

Asami [Noticing Korra.] Oh, Korra, perfect timing. I was hoping you'd drop by. [Sets Pabu down and climbs down a ladder.]

Y/n [With Bolin's playful charm.] Looks like Asami's got some big plans.

Varron [Chuckling.] Yeah, she's got that look.

Korra [Disappointed.] Oh, I see. Well, I was just leaving anyway. [Waving.] Guess I'll catch you guys later.

Asami [Friendly.] Why not tomorrow? You should come visit the estate.

Korra [Considering.] I'm not sure. I might have some Avatar business to take care of.

Y/n [With Bolin's cheerful enthusiasm.] Come on, Korra! We all deserve a break. We could swim in Asami's pool and just have a blast!

Korra [Smiling.] Alright, you've convinced me, Pabu.

Asami [Joining the conversation.] Perfect, we'll expect you tomorrow then.

Y/n [Playfully.] Looks like you're booked for tomorrow, Korra.

Varron [Agreeing.] Yeah, don't keep them waiting!

The scene transitions to the next day with the Fire Ferrets preparing to enjoy some relaxation.

The scene shifts to a flock of lizard crows taking flight. The sound of a police truck disrupts the flock as it drives through the entrance of a factory. Metalbender cops enter through the broken windows and open crates, revealing Equalist propaganda and electrical gloves.

Lin [Observing the scene.] Our intel was accurate.

Saikhan [Examining the evidence.] There's enough here to condemn Cabbage Corp for a long time.

Lin [Looks away.] Let's hope we're making the right moves.

The scene transitions to outside the Cabbage Corp building, where a statue of the cabbage merchant stands. Reporters clamor and shout questions at Lin.

Lau Gan-Lan [Being escorted by Saikhan, angrily.] This is an injustice! I'm innocent!

Saikhan [Monotonously.] Yeah, yeah, we've heard it before.

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