Chapter 7

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Episode 39/Chapter 40
Episode 40/Chapter 41
Episode 41/Chapter 42
Episode 42/Chapter 43
Episode 43/Chapter 44
Episode 44/Chapter 45
Episode 45/Chapter 46


They walked into a library which had a few undead walking around, but Theo took care of them. They were groaning, attracting the attention of more undead.

Now these things are just getting annoying. Yuna thought.

"Hey, Mr. Collins," Theo said thinking.

"Yeah?" Noah responded.

"What would you do if someone you care about turned into one of these monsters?" Theo asked, "I can kill these things without hesitation because I don't know them but... Azael is my brother."

"Who knows... I wonder."

"Even Mr. Collins who seems to know everything doesn't have answer to that..."

"Stop pretending to be a nice guy, Noah. You know damn well what the answer is," Neo added, almost spitefully.

"Neo, it's not that... simple," Noah said.

"Says you. Don't make me laugh."

Yuna wondered. Neo says that, but could he really kill Yuna without any hesitation? The same with Yuna. What would she do if she had to kill Neo? He was already an undead, but he had control over himself so that shouldn't be a problem. However, if Yuna was faced with Neo as an enemy, would she be able to kill him?

They walked up the stairs, Wyn said there could be a place to hide.



"Alix!" Theo said.

She opened her mouth, but nothing was heard.

Damn, it's soundproof. Yuna looked at the door, maybe it can be opened.

"The door is locked," Noah said trying the handle.

Yuna looked around the room, as Theo was trying to listen to Alix. She heard a strange noise. She looked up. There was Azael.

"Theo!" Yuna shouted.

"Behind you!" Noah yelled.

Theo turned around. Azael, who was clinging to the ceiling, lunged toward his brother, but Theo held up his axe, blocking him.

"Huh?! Azael?!" Theo said. Normally Theo would knock the undead away, maybe even decapitate it. But being faced with his brother. He couldn't. He froze.

Azael was about to strike again, but Noah came in with a strike to his neck.

"Do you want to die?! Don't just stand there!" Noah said.

"My bad..." Theo said.

"He's back up," Neo said.

Azael cracked his bone back into place.

"Azael..." Theo said.

"Stand back. This one isn't normal," Noah said.

The normal ones didn't seem to know how to crack a bone back or how to ambush people. Yuna thought.

Azael shook a little before rushing at Noah. Theo jumped in front of Noah and grabbed Azael by the elbow before throwing him over the shoulder.

"Theo, I got this, you don't have to-" Noah said.

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