Billy J

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  Today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. - Which was hard since my bed was a single bed and had bars all around it except for one side - to get out. Today felt wrong, like I should have just kept sleeping. And to be honest, I don't know why I didn't.

 Halfway through my history class, which I had fallen asleep in again, I was rudely awoken by an angry teacher. "Well, Miss Jay?" My history teacher said. "Am I just too boring for you?" "Uhh, no." I said. - trying so gather my thoughts. "Or was my lecture about World War two too much for you?" He said, as the whole class laughed. "No, it was just...I'm good." I said. "Well not too good if you're sent home early for falling asleep in my class AGAIN...I'm calling your mum to come and pick you up. And maybe you'll find your bed more comfortable" He said.

 I'd never been sent home early from school before. And my mum had that look on her face as we drove down the road from my school. - I could tell she was dissapointed in me, and I found that literally crushing. I never liked dissapponting my mum, especially after everything she's done for me. 

 The traffic was on a go slow because of a crash, and I was watching all the traffic on the opposite side of the road whiz by with a squinted stink eye that I gave them in envy. - Yes, I was dramatic, but it was all I could do at the time to amuse myself, and after all, my whole day had been pretty dramatic. But my attention soon turned back to our side of the road as I watched the shops pass me by. - My school was by the city, and my mum needed to buy a few things. "We'll just go to 'Mr. Toys Toy World' for a minute, I want to try and find something for Bub's Brithday." - 'Bub' is what we called my little brother.

 A couple of streets before we were about to pull into the carpark, I saw  a police van parked on the side of the road. A boy was sitting on the edge of the boot, with his hands cuffed behind his back. He had dark hair with a slim but toned body. He was wearing a snug black granpa t - shirt with a pair of blue skinny jeans. His head was facing slightly down but his eyes were watching the traffic hedding towards him as the policeman talked to him. He saw me in our car and the corner of his mouth started to curve up. He turned his head back to the police officer and started to say something - still keeping the corner of his mouth curved up in a cheeky, daring way. - While the officer scribbled something down on his notebook.

  He had a badass smile - which I found strangely seductive. And I couldn't stop myself from staring at him as we drove past in the car. 

 We finally pulled into the carpark and hopped out of the car. After a little while of shopping with my mum I told her I was  gonna go grab a coffe. "Okay." She said, in a tone of voice and facial expression I couldn't read.

 After I ordered my coffe I sat down at one of the tables in the cafe and started to watch the shoppers pass me by. I was about to grab my phone out of my bag when I was interrupted by a stranger. "Is this seat taken?" He asked - as I looked up to see who it was. It was the boy from the side of the road. "Uhh, it depends." I said. "On what?" He asked. "On why you want to sit with me." I answered. "Woah, why so suspicious?" He laughed. "Because I just saw you on the side of the road, sitting on the edge of the boot of a police van, - wearing cuffs." I said warily.

 "Ohh, you were that girl in the red car with her mouth wide open...yeah I thought you looked familiar, that look on your face was kind of hard to forget. You know, I've never seen anyone look so shocked in all my life." He teased. "Uhh, I um..." I stammered. "Have you ordered yet?" He asked, braking the awkward silence between us. "Uhh yeahh, just a coffe." I said. "I have to go back to my mum soon." "Do you normally shop in your school uniform?" He questioned. "Uhh I got sent home early for falling asleep in my History class again." "Hah, you rebel!" He teased - and gave me a wink.

"Yeah, well at least I wasn't in the one in the back of a police van." I said teasingly.

"Touche." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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