Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3

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Talia walked into Jurnee's office with the plan of beating her ass for causing her sister to be sad and miserable

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Talia walked into Jurnee's office with the plan of beating her ass for causing her sister to be sad and miserable.

"Good evening." Jurnee spoke.

"Stand yo ass up ho. I would hate to seem like a weak ass bitch for hitting you while you sitting down." she said taking Jurnee by surprise.

"Excuse. Me. What?" Jurnee chuckled.

"5..4..3..2..1." Talia counted before running up on Jurnee who was already up and ready.

Talia threw three fast ones but only one connected hitting Jurnee in the chin since she ducked.

Strike 1

"Talia stop!" Jurnee grabbed Talia's hands and Talia kicked her making her let go.

Strike 2

Talia raised her leg to kick again, but Jurnee grabbed her leg flipping her on her shit.

This angered Talia making her mad. So mad that she got up and spat at Jurnee.

Strike 3

Jurnee sent four fast and hard ones at her connecting all knocking her down. She threw that 'she's a minor' thought out her head because Talia had her fucked completely up.

Talia got up quickly. She wasn't expecting that, hell Jurnee wasn't expecting that. She's never put her hands on a patient, but Talia was begging for this ass whooping and Jurnee was happy to give it to her.

Talia sent blows and Jurnee returned them. Jurnee was quicker and faster than Talia, but Talia stood her ground.

Security busted into the room just as Jurnee flipped Talia on her shit.

"Get yo fat ass off of me!" Talia screamed once the security guard grabbed her away from Jurnee.

They bother were escorted out the building by the police.
"Why am I having to come get you from the police station?" Papa John asked breaking the silence.

"My patient decided to put her hands on me." Jurnee said looking out the window.

"You suppose to know how to control your emotions. How you let her get under your skin?"

"She spat at me. I have her three chances."

"Oh." Papa John chuckled. "Beat that ho up."

Jurnee laughed. "Yeah. I'm sorry about not telling you about my abortion. We are better than that."

He smiled too. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have walked off on you like that. Being the smart person you are, you made the right decision. Being a dad, you don't want to hear that your daughter was pregnant."

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