Chapter 9

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On the drive back to the beach we had the music down low playing Ed Sheeran, he had his arm resting on my shoulder and I felt safe. We had got about half way home and he started to slow down before pulling over in a place where I had no idea where we were but it was beautiful. The view was breathtaking, the car was parked just a little bit off the road and right in front of us was a cliff overlooking a bright blue sea. The sun was up in the sky not a cloud to be seen and there were little fishing boats off in the distance. We got out of the car and he guided me over to a bench, he amazed me more and more every moment I am with him.

'It's beautiful here, I wish I never had to go home'. I looked out at the ocean.

'Hey, look at me, don't say stuff like that you still have 5 weeks'. He looked down at me with a smile but I could see the sadness behind his eyes.

'Have you been here before then? It truly is breathtaking'.

'Just like you... um yeah I come here to think its quiet and inspiring', he pulled me close to him.

'So whats going to happen on Sunday when you have to leave the cottage?', I looked deep into his eyes.

'Well I only live like 20 minutes away from the cottage so like its not a big deal just means I can't sneak over to yours at night and watch you sleep', he smirked at me.

'Wait What?!? You haven't actually done that have you thats weird...' he began to laugh and it made my heart hurt because his laugh was beautiful.

'I only did it once, it was last night I couldn't sleep so I went for a jog and I saw your window and I thought you might be awake but you weren't and you looked so peaceful and I dunno I just couldn't take my eyes off of you,' he looked down embarressed.

'You are such a weirdo, but I guess it is kinda of sweet' he looked up at me and I smiled. 

'Ok but don't you have like work to do, I mean you're going to be really busy...'

'I mean it's not the busiest few weeks we have to be honest and the work we do have to do you can come along too'. He seemed so content. 'I meant it when I said things wouldn't change and now you're my girlfriend I am not going to let you spend the next 5 weeks without seeing me am I'.

'Ok ok I like it when you call me your girlfriend,' I felt my face go red partly because of what I said and partly to hide the fact that I didn't want to think about what happens after those 5 weeks.

'Come on we better get back for lunch'. that was that he took my hand and i took one last look at the perfect view before we headed back.

As we arrived outside the cottage I started to feel sick with nerves, what if they didn't like me I mean the last time I saw his sister she practically bit my head off thinking I was some crazy fan. He opened up the door and we walked in together as we came into the kitchen he wrapped his arm around my waist and that was when I saw his mum. She was beautiful, she turned as we walked in and she looked from Ashton to me then back to Ashton before a smile broke out on her face. 

'You must be Bella, it is so lovely to meet you.' She pulled me in for a hug and it was so unexpected, I wasn't used to this sort of affection from someone I had just met. Just as she let go Ashton's sister walked into the room, when she saw me her face dropped. 

'What is the stalker doing here and why are you hugging her?' she looked alarmed.

'Lauren, don't be so rude, she isn't a stalker! Say sorry, NOW!' Ashton's mum practically shouted at her.

'Sorry,' she still didn't look too happy though. 'I just don't get it, you have known my brother for a few days and now you are dating him Ash what's going on?'

'Lauren, just leave it, me and Bella are together she makes me happy isn't that what you want?' he looked at her his eyes pleading.

'Of course I do, i'm sorry' she did look sorry this time. To be totally honest I get it, I mean I would treat me like that too, she is right this has happened fast and I guess I know what having trust issues is like. I just smiled at her and then we sat down to eat. 

It was actually a really nice afternoon, after we got over the frostyness of Lauren she thawed out and we all got to know each other a little better, I found out that we actually had a lot in common. He was right about his mum loving everything about England she just wanted me to tell her all about it, it was sweet and they made me feel really at home. By the time we had finished lunch and watched a film it was time to be heading back to mine for even more food, but hey I'm not complaining. We said goodbye and Lauren made me promise to text her, it was funny how things could change within a few hours.

'I'm just going to get changed and stuff ok so I will meet you over there unless you want to wait?' 

'It's fine I need to ring Demi anyway' I smiled and he kissed me before watching me walk back to my grandparents.

I ran upstairs without giving my mum the chance to question me about my day or Ashton, grabbed my phone and facetimed Demi. She picked up straight away her smiling face lighting up my screen...

'Hiiiiiii, guess what?'

'OMG what did you have a good date?

'Well he took me to his band practice a-'


'Well yeah pretty much but anyway thats not the point I wa-'


'Well if you let me finish... Demi we are all going bowling on saturday' I waited for it 1...2...3...

'ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?' I held the phone away as she screamed, I let her finish screaming.

'They are really looking forward to meeting you, Luke is like the best ever he is like a big brother to me and he said the fans are the best part of being in a band' I smiled as she was practically hyperventillating.

'Bella, we are going fricking bowlin with 5SOS what is going on like you are dating ASHTON FUCKING IRWIN?!?'

'I know is this real life? Look I have to go my mum invited him round for tea so I am just going to go die of embarressment', we said our goodbyes and I left her to get excited.

I changed into a nice summery dress and put my hair up, walking down the stairs just in time for the doorbell to ring.


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