Part 23

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"Are you sure these are from your pack?" I asked Lilly. We had spent yesterday going through the plan to take on Ester. I, myself, felt nervous about it. Kol had reassured me that he would always protect me and would consider, protecting Jeremy too. Then Lilly, Jeremy and I had gone to the Bayou to visit her pack and see her brother, filling him on our game plan. He had agreed to a meeting with Klaus and Elijah so they could hash out the more gruesome details.

Today, Lilly and I were unwrapping her baby presents from her pack and some from other people. Jeremy was with us, him and Lilly getting along very well. This made me happy. My twin and my best friend were treating each other like family. Bonus, Jeremy had no impulse to stake a werewolf. Kol and Kaleb and Freya were all pouring through grimoire, seeing if any other spells would come in handy. Rebekah had just joined us in the living room, arms full of baby girl clothes.

"Of course, I am sure." Lilly nodded.

Jeremy opened one of the boxes that had a slight funky smell coming from it. He frowned, pulling out a prong, then opening something inside. I couldn't see inside just yet.

"What is it?" I questioned. I shifted a little closer and saw the evil glint in Jeremy's eye. He stabbed the prong inside, lifting up something fleshy and waving it in my face.

I recoiled with a disgusted scream, glaring at the slab of meat on the prong.

"What in the Klaus is that?" I demanded. We had substituted hell with Klaus. Deeming, he was worse than hell itself.

I heard laughter; Lilly wiped a tear away.

"Fresh deer stomach. It's good for the baby." She said through laughter. I crinkled my nose at her.

"Please tell me you are not going to eat that." I pointed at the offending flesh. Lilly shrugged and then scowled when seeing my face.

"Fine, I won't." she muttered.

Part of me forgot she was a werewolf and the child inside, it had 2 werewolf parents. I cleared my throat, trying not to vomit in my mouth.

"You can eat it if you want." I offered a smile.

Lilly blinked and then busted out into laughter.

"I'm kidding. That's just a slab of meat. Bit big for a stomach Jords."

I scowled as her and Jeremy laughed. I pointed at Jeremy.

"Put it down or I swear, I will not be talking to you for a week."

Jeremy nodded, laughing as he lowered the horrible meat back into the cooler it had come from.

"Tasteless, lucky you have someone with taste to spoil our little girl." Rebekah grinned.

"Aww, is that a pink tutu." I cooed.

"Of course. My niece will get EVERYTHING she wants."

"My daughter is NOT wearing that monstrosity. She has better tastes then that." Lilly curled her lip.

Rebekah and I gave each other a look. We rolled our eyes, we already planned on dressing Hope up in all the cute clothes and modelling her around for a day. We had even gotten props together for this shoot we planned. We kept going through the gifts, Lilly sorted them, writing thank you notes for the members of her pack.

"I want a thank you note for each thing I have gifted my godchild." I demanded to Lilly. She flipped me off as she continued writing. The door open, Elijah, Klaus and Jackson walking in. Lilly grinned at her brother.

"What is that....smell?" Elijah crunched his nose in distaste.

Jeremy, Lilly, Rebekah and I all looked at each other and laughed. We laughed harder at his and Klaus's confused face.

"Alright, pack shall be arriving shortly. Lil, you need anything?" Jackson drawled, looking at his sister. Lilly shook her head, folding her arms like a child.

"I should be apart of this!" she grumbled. I gave her a soft smile.

"I'm only going to siphon off some magic from the stones or whatever." I shrugged. Kol had ensured that I was going to be kept safe and not anywhere near the action. Jeremy was going to be staying here with Lilly, keeping her safe. He hadn't liked the idea of being away from me, I explained that my life was connected to Kol's and it would be a lot harder to kill me. I honestly didn't think I was right by Freya had backed me up. I had later asked her, and she had told me I was right. I was in some sense, like her. immortal due to magic.

"I will be channelling Lucien from the outskirts of the cemetery." Freya explained.

"Come on love, channelling, cuddling, its all the same." Lucien gave a cocky smirk. Freya gritted her teeth, trying to bite her tongue. 

Some of the pack had remained behind as well as Marcel, to protect Lilly. Not that we told her it was to protect her. the more and more she lost her temper, it seemed like she could channel the baby's power. I felt a little concerned, the baby was strong, I could feel how powerful it was and it hadn't even been born yet. I hadn't told anyone, but I bet Freya had sensed something too. she would look at Lilly with concern.

I walked with Klaus towards his mother's coffin. He gestured at the door.

"I can not pass, Little Gilbert...." He paused. I went to take a step forward; he grabbed my arm gently. "Be careful. Kol loves you as does the rest of my family." He informed me. I rose a brow.

"Does that mean you?" I asked.

"If you live, I will answer." He smirked at me. I scowled and grumbled about stupid hybrids as I walked closer to the tomb. I could feel the magic surrounding the tomb. This is where Ester was buried, her true body. Her actual bones. I reached out, placing my palm against the wooden door. I could feel the power through it. I placed my other palm against the wood and began siphoning the spell. This was overwhelming, I could really feel that this was more than when I was set Celeste free. I could feel the power smothering me and crushing me. I screamed out, the pain intensified, and I gritted my teeth. I could do this. I could do this. I chanted the words over and over. All other noises were being drowned out. As I kept siphoning, I felt Kol draining what he could and since he had linked himself to the rest of the originals, they were also taking the power from me. this meant I could siphon a lot more and faster. I pulled until there was nothing left. I gasped, stepping back, taking massive breaths. I turned around to look at Klaus, he watched me carefully.

"Impressive." I nodded, walking back to him. I yelped in surprise when I felt him wrap his arms around me. "Thank you, Jordan. I am glad you are safe."

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