Anya's Coded Message

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"What the-- Anya?!" Twilight is startled as Anya appears out of nowhere, waving a piece of paper in front of Twilight as he was reading the new miss-- newspaper in front of him.

Twilight retrieves the paper from Anya's hold as Anya folds her arms in a boasting and proud manner. "I bet Pa can't decode my message. Becky taught me that. It's pretty popular in class."

9 - 12 20 22 5 - 16 1 - 1 14 4 - 13 1 - 22 5 19 25 - 13 21 3 8

Heh. Child's play. Twilight quickly figures out the code with each letter corresponding to a number. With 1 being for A, 2 for B, and so on and so forth and the hyphen most likely being a space in between. So kids their age play code games like this huh.

Anya smiles smugly, putting her pointing finger beneath her nose. "I might say I pretty much have Mr. Bondman's genius skills."

And if Twilight got this right it means-- He stops momentarily as he decodes the message. A smile automatically crawls to his lips without resistance.

I love Pa and Ma very much

Anya gapes at her Twilight. How could Pa decode it so fast?! Anya looks down, a bit dissapointed. "Pa figured it out so fast..."

Twilight sets down his newspaper, "I did not even say anything yet. Can you teach me how you did it?" Twilight says with interest.

Anya only smiles and nods eagerly, knowing that her Pa was doing this to make her feel better and she couldn't wish for anything more

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