Chapter 9

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Beth watched worriedly from the shadowy curtains of her balcony, hiding from sight as Bernard had instructed while he raced downstairs and outside.

She didn't know what was going to happen. Not really. But her heart was filled with the memories of Taeron cutting down Bernard's grandfather.

Beth did know that she was deathly afraid. Afraid for Bernard... and though she shouldn't be, afraid for Taehyung.

Taehyung and the vampire headed for the side door that was underneath Beth's balcony just as Bernard came through it.

Instantly both had their swords drawn.

Unlike before, Taehyung was not backing down. He spoke tersely to Bernard, insistantly, and when Bernard seemed to refuse him, the vampire struck.

Taehyung leapt forward as well, reaching Bernard before the vampire did to launch his own attack.

The vampire fell back, watching as the two dueled.

Occasionally, when their blades were briefly locked and they were close enough to have been breathing each other's breath, Beth would see Taehyung's lips move. She could imagine his voice from the expreasion on his face. Low, insistent, pleading.

She was confused. Every footstep, every crossing of blades made both men more tense, but never once did either seem angry. Bernard grew resigned, although his stoic face spoke of his determination. Taehyung seemed ernest, desperate, and deeply upset. Yet they still fought with the fire of two men trying to kill each other if that was what must be done to take the other down.

Beth's heart hurt. What was happening? What was Taehyung saying? Why was it that Bernard was brought closer and closer to despair with every ring of steel and steel, although he was clearly emerging victorious?

The battle continued that way for hours, neither tiring, but Taehyung slowly giving ground to his more skilled opponent, often because he had stolen a glance towrd Beth's hiding place on the balcony. Every stroke lost that kill or be killed ferocity he had weilded in the beginning of the fight, while Bernard, seemingly despite himself, never wavered in his resolution.

Finally, Taehyung barked a command to the vampire. He hesistated, but at Taehyung's insistant command, he took to the sky.

As he left, Taehyung locked swords close to Bernard once more.

He spoke a single word that Beth strained to make out after the long, loud battle filled with quiet words.


And then Taehyung also left.

Bernard stood resolutely and watched him go.

And continued to stand there.

Like a statue he stood, until Beth, scared, pulled on her robe and hurried downstairs and pulled open the same side door targeted earlier.

Bernard had collapsed.





Beth had woken  Maya, and together as the first rays of sunlight crept across the sky's fading stars they carried unconscious Bernard to the room Maya had stealthily identified as his.

He had a raging fever, so Beth went for rags and cool water while Maya tried to loosen Bernard's death grip on the hilt of the sword.

When Beth returned, Maya had been completely unsuccessful. However as soon as Beth grasped his hand gently, his fingers relaxed, allowing Beth to remove the sword. She handed it to Maya to prop against the wall and soaked a rag, ringing most of the water out before laying the neatly folded cloth agaisnt his forhead.

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