Episode 2-19: No Evidence

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Meanwhile at the infirmary, Merlin was watching this from the crystal ball letting out a tsk as he shakes his head where he sees them chasing after Ruggie through the courtyard.

"My my, this has gone real hectic, but...."

Merlin then let's out a soft chuckle.

"Do your best Sundrop along with you, comrades." Merlin reassures smiling warmly at them. Then he stretch his arms out rolling his head around while groaning.

"My goodness, healing these students made my neck hurt." He mumbles before letting out a sigh.

"Ah not to worry, I'll just brew myself some oolong tea to relax." Merlin marvels as he stands up from his chair and grabs his staff to tap it to the floor twice where he summons a cloud. Then he hops on it and floats to the back end of the infirmary.

Don't give up Sundrop and her comrades, keep on fighting!

Merlin thought with a bright smile while getting his oolong tea packet, but soon was interrupted when he heard the door open causing to sigh.

Guess my tea break has to wait.

Merlin thought as he floats back to the infirmary room where he sees Night Raven's History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein holding his cat.

"Hello Mozus, need anything?" Merlin ask curiously.

"Aah Merlin. Pleasure to see you, I came here for you to help me with Lucius." He said as he walks to the bed and place Lucius on the mattress. Merlin floats his way to them and noticed a bite mark on his paw. He gently lays his hand on his bitten paw.

"Hmmm. This is quite painful. Did someone bit him?" He ask curiously and he sighs.

"Unfortunately. Lucius was chasing after a mouse during class but the mouse bit poor Lucius little paw." Mozus explains.

"I must say, that must be horrible. In fact, mice and rats carried rabies and Lucius will get infected if not treated." Merlin explains as he turns to Mozus with a grin.

"So you can count me Mozus." Merlin assures as he nods. Then he lays his other hand on his paw and closes his eyes where a light glow emits from his hand as his paw engulfs with white light. The white glow then fades and the bite mark is gone.

Lucius then let's out a happy mewl and licks his hand making the tiny wizard chortle.

"You're welcome Lucius." Merlin chuckles as Lucius leaps to Mozus and he pats his head before turning to Merlin with a bow.

"Thank you Merlin. I apologize for barging in your like this, must be exhausted to heal with these boys in Night Raven." Mozus sympathizes, but Merlin shakes his head and smiles.

"Not to worry Mozus. Sure things can be busy most of the times, but I'm always available whenever you need me to heal your wounds or your cat's." Merlin reassured and he nods.

"Thank you, Merlin. Have a good afternoon." He says as he turns back and walks with his cat.

"You too Mozus." Merlin replies and once he left, Merlin let's out a sigh and looks at the sky.

"I hope you're doing well out there, cuz I can't keep healing all these student forever if more injured students are gonna come forward.." Merlin mutters with hope glittering in his eyes.

Later at the courtyard, Glory and her friends are still on the goose chase when they're trying to capture Ruggie, but he was too fast for them, but not for Glory. While chasing after him, Glory grabs something from her backpack and Grim notice this and jumps out.

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