Episode 2-22: The Festival

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While sleeping, all of the sudden the sound of bones rustle nearby causing Glory to waken up from the sleep.

"Mmm...Wha?" Glory mumbles as she slowly got up and pinch her temple.

"When did I have shac-. What the-!?" Glory shrieks and backs away when she saw Zazu trapped in a cage made out of bones.

"Zazu!" Glory gasps as she recognized this scene from the Lion King. Glory glance upwards to see the infamous rogue of a lion himself, Scar lying on a rock gazing at his nails with a bored look.

"Do stop Zazu, you're bringing the mood down." Scar rebukes unfazed by his struggle.

"Oh, I'd never have to do this with Mufasa..." Zazu mutters, but the lion heard his whispers and pounce on him.

"What? What did you say?! I am the king!" He snarls at him leaving the poor hornbill quivering in fear.

"Poor Zazu..." Glory mutters sending the hornbill her sympathy. Soon she heard footsteps from the right as she turns to see the three hyenas marching towards him with irked looks.

"Hey Boss, we gotta bone to pick with you." Banzai hisses.

"There's no food, no water! And we're starving!" Shenzi rants. However, the lethargic Scar doesn't bother helping them and face the wall.

"I don't care. Ohh, eat Zazu." He orders making the hornbill panic.

"What!?" He shrieks causing her to sweat drop.

Oh god, I remembered crying this scene as a child because he told them to eat the bird....

Glory thought before letting out a giggle.

"Those were some good times." She mutters while grinning at her childhood memory. Soon she turns back to see the three hyenas whispering about Scar.

"Things were better under Mufasa." Banzai whispers, but Scar overheard his mutter and lashed them out.

"Hmph, is that so. You're an eyesore! Get out!" He roars at them causing them to flee.

"Uhoohoohoo!" Ed hoot laughs as the dream ends here leaving Glory pondering about the dream.

"If you're gonna get angry when people compare you, take your job seriously." Glory mutters.

Today's the day, it's the Magift Tournament where Glory got up early in the morning to get change for the tournament. While Glory was about to get ready, she yelps when heard the door open and turns around to see Jack.

"Hey...Get-! Gah!" Jack shrieks and his face flushed when he sees Glory in her red nightgown. Panicked, she quickly grabs her robe to cover herself while flustered as Jack cover his eyes with his arm and grabs the doorknob.

"M-My bad! Sorry!" Jack apologizes before slamming the door shut out of embarrassment. While out in the halls, Jack stood there covering his face while heating up from what he just saw.

Calm down Jack, you didn't do it on purpose. You didn't knew she was changing.

He thought as he lets out a sigh and strokes his hair.

"Damn. First I was force to team up with other people that I must not rely on and now I accidentally step into a girl's room? What else is going to happened next? Boobs landed on my face?" He mumbles.

"Oooo is there a wolf in a dorm?"

"Huh?" Jack turns around to see the chubby ghost and the stubby ghost with the biggest grins.

"Cuz wolf I'm looking at is naughty!~" Chauncey teases.

"Hehe how bold!" Langston jokes making him flustered and smokes coming out of his ears once more.

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