Chapter Two

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They say it takes thirty days to form a habit; this was only day two and Clyde was already struggling. He had fallen asleep much earlier than usual, which had actually helped with his normally grueling awakening once dawn rolled around. He wasn't used to being so well-rested. He would be feeling great if there wasn't a horrible pain in his stomach. He groaned and clutched his stomach, curling up underneath his warm, comforting blanket. 

It's time for school, get up. He sat up thoughtfully and pulled the covers off his legs. He stood and walked the length of his room to his closet, stood there for a moment, and turned around to exit the room, remembering that he had slept in his school clothes from the previous day.

He stepped into the cold hallway, making his way to the bathroom. He got ready for the day; brushed his teeth, used the toilet, washed his face and hands, all while eyeing the scale. He knew if he stepped on it, it would only disappoint him, and he'd most likely have another breakdown. He used his best judgment and decided to avoid the scale for now. Walking down the stairs, he smelled something. It smelled good. It smelled like food.

Self-control, Clyde.

Stepping into the kitchen, he was greeted by his dad. "Morning, Clyde. Need a ride?" Mr. Donovan asked as he set a plate of eggs down on the dining room table.

"Yeah, that'd be cool," Clyde replied as he wandered into the kitchen, checking the clock above the stove. "I missed the bus, anyway."

Mr. Donovan sighed. "Well, do you at least have time for breakfast?"

"Uhh..." Clyde gulped and stared at the food. It smelled and looked so tasty, he could hardly resist. But he had to. "I don't think so," He said, sounding unsure.

His dad gave him a two-second staredown before shrugging it off and moved towards the front door. "Well, come on, then."

Clyde nodded and jogged after his dad. He slipped on his pair of grey sneakers, tripping over the untied laces on his way out the door. He cussed under his breath as he landed in a heap on the ground. His dad paused and stared at him for a moment, decided it was no big deal, and unlocked the car. Clyde stood back up slowly, minding the patches of ice lingering on the pavement as he made his way towards the vehicle and slipped into the passenger's seat, closing the door behind him.

His dad started up the engine and turned to Clyde, looking him up and down.

Clyde stared at his dad. "What?" He questioned, slightly annoyed.

Mr. Donovan set his eyes front and forward. "Nothing. I just noticed, you seem to be getting kind of... chunky, one could say."

Clyde gave his father a look. "What's that supposed to mean?!" He demanded.

"Nothing, nothing. You just seem to've put on a bit of weight, that's all. No need to get so defensive." His dad stepped on the accelerator and sped out of the driveway.

Clyde slouched down in his seat and gazed out the window. That noticeable, huh? He sighed and closed his eyes, just wanting to get to school already.


Clyde entered the school with a few other students trailing behind him. He walked down the noisy halls to his locker, where his friend group awaited him.

"You missed the bus, man," Craig pointed out the obvious, as usual.

Clyde made a tsk sound with his tongue. "Yeah, I think I might've realized that already."

Craig grinned. "Just thought I'd remind ya," He teased.

"Where were you?" Tweek asked in his quick, nervous voice.

What's Wrong With Me | TYDE/CREEK | South Park Fanfiction ✔️Where stories live. Discover now