Shes a dixon alright.

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"Guys, someone's outside." Glenn ran inside the house.

"What? Who?" Rick asked, grabbing his gun.

"I don't know" he shook his head. Just as we ran outside, my dad came downstairs.

"What's goin' on?" He asked. I shrugged and ran outside, my dad following.

I almost broke down when I saw who it was. I looked at the girl with shoulder-length, chocolate brown hair, brown eyes, blood and dirt covered face and ran to her.

We attacked each other in a huge hug.

"Kayla!" I cried.

"Mel!" My best friend is here. Right in front of me. The one I thought was dead when this all started. She's right here.

"I thought you were dead!"

"No. The phone just got cut off. I thought you were!" She smiled.

"Did you go to the CDC?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yep. It was up in flames. Explosion I'm guessing?" She said I nodded.

"It was" she tilted her head.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Because I was in the explosion. We just made it out, when it went up. Of course, I never got down fast enough and I went flying," she rolled her eyes and I chuckled. I was always clumsy like this, and yes, it's almost cost me my life before. Once I almost got hit by a car because I fell walking across the street. "And I hit my head and sprained my wrist. That's how I ended up here." I smiled.

"I'm guessing you two know each other..." Glenn said. I rolled my eyes.

"No. I have no idea who this girl is. Just decided to hug her and tell her how I got here."

"It also explains why we're crying." Kayla added in a 'duh' tone, causing a few chuckles to go around. Glenn rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"We'll, me and Shane are gonna go check the snares." Rick said.

"Can I come too?" Carl asked. Lori didn't look to sure but rick and Shane agreed.

"Mel, you wanna come too?" Rick asked. I was about to nod, when I remembered that Shane was going. I looked at my dad. He didn't look too sure, but I realized that rick would be there.

"Sure." I said. "Why not." I smiled.

"Rick, make sure Melissa is okay out there." My dad said I rolled my eyes and rick nodded.

"I'm gonna stay here. Get used to the place." Kayla smiled. I nodded and picked up my crossbow.

We walked into the woods with caution. Me and Carl stood in front of Shane and rick. Me and Carl are the same age. We've became really close friends since the CDC, when we first met.

"Woah, Carl. Look" I whispered,pointing to a deer in front of us. We both smiled.

"I dare you to go touch it" I whispered. Carl looked at me.

"You're on" he smiled. We walked closer to the deer, me behind him and slightly to the right so that I could see the deer.

A bullet rang off and I saw Carl fall to the ground.

"Carl!" I yelled. I felt a sharp pain in the side of my stomach. I fell to the ground. I looked at my side and saw blood seeping onto my shirt and onto the ground. I looked beside me and saw Carl unconscious with blood coming from his upper- stomach. I put my head on the ground as I heard leaves crunching. I felt arms pick me up.

Breathing became harder and the wound in my side felt like it was on fire. I took short, shaky breaths as the darkness consumed me and I slipped out of consciousness.

Daryl's POV

I saw rick and Shane running out of the woods, rick carrying an unconscious Carl, and Shane carrying an unconscious Melissa. I ran up to them and grabbed Melissa from Shane.

"What the hell happened?! I told you to keep her safe!" I yelled.

"Someone shot a deer, the bullet went through the deer and hit both of them!" Shane yelled.

We ran to the house and everyone ran outside.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Lori asked wide-eyed. Kayla stood there, shocked.

"No... No I just got her back..." She whispered.

"We help Carl first, his wound is more severe. Daryl, you take Melissa upstairs and put pressure on her wound. Beth will help you until I'm done with Carl." Hershel ordered. I nodded and ran upstairs. I put Melissa on the bed.

I grabbed a towel and put it over her wound, putting pressure on it to help stop the bleeding.

She's only fourteen, she doesn't deserve to be out through this. Is she okay? Did she loose too much blood? Is she already dead? Is she gonna die? I can't loose her. I can't loose the one thing i care about most. I can't loose my only family left. I can't loose my little girl.

"She's gonna need blood once Hershel's done taking the bullet fragments out. She's lost too much blood. What's her blood type?" Beth asked. I didn't hear her walk into the room.

"B+... Same as me." I said. She smiled.

"We'll don't go too far. We're gonna need you." I nodded and looked back down at Melissa.

"Y'know, she gave you blood when you were shot by Andrea. She argued with Hershel until he said yes." I smiled for a second. "Usually people wouldn't like needles, but your girl didn't even flinch. She's a tough one" she walked over to Melissa. I smiled.

"She was only trained by the best" I joked. "She's a Dixon alright." I smiled.

"I got it from here, go on downstairs. I'll call you up if she needs anything." I nodded and let Beth take the towel from me. I walked downstairs with blood covered hands.

"How's she doin'?" Kayla asked. I shook my head.

"I don't k-know yet. She's loosin' a lot of blood and we can't give her a transfusion till Hershel's done with Carl." I sighed. She covered her face with her hands and sighed. I walked over to the living room and sat down.

"How is she?" Otis asked. "Your girl?" I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"I dunno."

"I'm sorry for shooting them. The bullet just went right through the deer... I didn't know the kids were right there." I nodded.

"How would ya?" I decided not to get mad at him. Just this once. He nodded and walked off.

"Daryl, Hershel needs you now." Beth ran down. I nodded and made my way upstairs.

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