00 • author's note

19.9K 531 200


coming soo-siKe already came


The only reason Kim Taehee agrees to help her sworn enemy Jeon Jeongguk babysit his younger brothers for three weeks is because of the fat paycheck that now sits in her account.

It's definitely not because he's a good kisser.


→ coarse language
→ slight mature content (14+)
→ loads of clichés (because who doesn't love a good cliché??)
→ general wackness
→ sporadic updates lel


All rights are reserved.

I do not own BTS or BigHit. The characters are not a real representation of their counterparts.

This book is a work of fiction. The plot, names, places and incidents are created by the author and are fictitious. Any plot, name, place or incident that holds any similarity to other stories is purely coincidental.


eeek hello and welcome!!

i'm sunny!! i like jokes!! bcs i am one!! i use too many exclamation marks!! nice to meet you!!

i hope you enjoy reading my brain child as much as i have writing it!! dont forget to leave a vote, comment and add this story to your reading lists!! it would mean the world to me <33

i also hope you brought extra snacks and blankets and tissues (i seem to have forgotten mine oops) because this is about to be one hell of a ride!!

so hold on tight!!

hugs and kisses,
sunny ☼


and now, without further ado, i present to you: The Babysitting Contract!!!

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