Chapter 19.The City of Gods - 3:08pm -Teotihuacan, Mexico -Two Hours Left

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Within moments they were outside in the fresh air. Jason and Jennifer were the first ones through. Jason held the Eye of Ra as tightly as he could through the immense heat of Mexico but they could not afford to stop so they still kept on running forward. They were now in the middle of a long plaza or the walkway where there was a straight stone path towards the two pyramids, a quick look around revealed a third smaller plaza behind them so they still kept on running forward, moments later, weapons fire erupted as the soldiers spotted the Mar'an forces that surrounded the place, Mar'an soldiers who had been frozen still for seconds were confused and half blinded. Mar'an weapons turrets came into life as they tried blindly to fire weapons at their new attackers but the high powered sonic burst weapons that Aurthera had given them ripped into the Mar'an forces with ease, to calm the surroundings once again. Laura took aim a few seconds after she exited the gate and then she fired, the end of the weapon glowed blue and a second later a thin wave of blue energy that had a cut like blade horizontally slammed into the Mar'an weapons turret and tore through them with ease, it then exploded in a shower of white and red flame. The explosion ripped apart a nearby turret that caused Jason and Jennifer to slide sideways in the air with the impact of the blast but they did not stop running, Jason saw Jaiva and Regulus by their side a moment later, Regulus then took aim and fired off some shots with his light weapon which was as smooth as a marble, then nearby, a Mar'an soldier was torn in two by the sound of the wave but still Jason and Jennifer did not stop running. Emily and Logan followed them but they then jumped away to the sides when the manned weapons turret fired an energy beam blindly towards them.

Jason, Jennifer, Jaiva and Regulus continued to run without missing their step but Or'ian lagged behind so as to ensure that the skulls came to him, Regulus glanced over to his shoulders so as to check on Or'ian and he saw him for a moment before something exploded that caused him to almost fall on the ground but Jennifer and Jaiva grabbed him and pulled him upright again.

'Come on Or'ian!' Regulus screamed out but Or'ian could not hear him due to the weapons that were being fired.

Above them, massive Mar'an troop carriers descended towards them and flew down to the ground, its massive hatch bays opened in front of the Pyramid of the sun at the end of its walkway, hundreds of Mar'an soldiers came pouring out of the ship. Within moments, weapons fire erupted around them, Zoofi saw the descending ships and bellowed into her intercom which played inside all the captains helmets.

'FIRE ON THE SHIPS!' Zoofi bellowed.

Nearly five hundred soldiers aimed up and fired on the massive troop carrier ships. The combined sound energy bursts seemed to intensify each other which forced out a blue energy shockwave that slammed into the first Mar'an troop carrier, tore through its hull and ignited a massive fire in its tube, the tubular craft wined as the soldiers continued to fire out their sonic energy weapons that sliced through ever growing gashes in the ship. The ship opened up the weapons turrets on its underside which shot down hails of automatic bursts that peppered the army and the soldiers who scattered for covered. The heroes ran towards the massive street which was lined up with mini pyramids from where the weapons fired its energy blasts that killed dozens of Mar'a, Regulus slung his rifle from around his back and fired both the energy weapon and the rifle directly at an approaching enemy squad. The shots tore into them easily as a hot knife through butter, their armour had no resistance to the volley of high powered shots, from around them, the crashing Mar'an troop carrier above the hatch bays swung open thereby releasing ten Hestein Riders who then bounded out and leapt through the air towards them. Regulus skidded to a halt for a moment, aimed up and opened his fire alongside Laura who was nearby.

The riders were reduced to three within seconds and the shredded beasts upon whom they rode were turned into bloody black mists of blood, as the three descended towards them it was too late and too soon to move, Or'ian then appeared out of nowhere, his blade slashed clean through the first rider, he then spun in the mid-air decapitating the second rider while pulling the sonic energy weapon from his side in one fluid motion and within a blink of an eye he fired and disintegrated the third rider and his beast in one fluid action. The action was so fast that Regulus had barely a moment to react and dodge the falling bodies of the beasts, a second later Or'ian rolled up as he hit the ground and then stood up and turned towards them.

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