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Hey, so I started this book on my other account (@chalupaheroin) but I forgot my password and didn't really have a legit email (stupid of me, I know 😑) but I didn't wanna leave y'all hanging soo... ima continue it on here😁. It might take a while for me to update so pls don't be mad. I'm actually mad at myself cause I wrote a few chapters on the old acc but didn't publish it. Anyways, anyways, enjoy !

Seth's Pov
"What the fuck?!" The two clowns quickly sprang up from the bed right as they heard my voice. I walked to my room to find Owen, my boyfriend being straddled by my supposedly 'best friend' Sabrina as they locked lips.

"Seth- baby- I'm... it's not-" he started, but i quickly cut him off

"What the absolute fuck Owen! Don't even start with the it's not what you think bullshit" I then turn to Sabrina with heated eyes and she had the nerve to smirk.

"You fucking bitch!" She had the fucking audacity to laugh. "I thought we were best friends!"

"Oh please," she rolled her eyes as she scoffs "I was never your friend. I just stuck around for Owen." She turned back to him to kiss his cheek.

I look at him in disbelief as he lets her.

"Are you serious ?!" He just shrugged and fumbled with his fingers.

"I'm sorry, I was gonna tell you that I didn't wanna be.. " he couldn't finish and I was angered even more.

"Be what?! In this relationship?!" He nodded

"We were together for 4 years Owen!" I yelled with tears streaming down my heated cheeks. He got up to touch me and as he was doing so- I slapped his hands away from me.

"Don't touch me!"

He groaned in frustration "I'm sorry, Seth"

"Just get out, both of you." I said looking at the floor. Sabrina goes to say something but I didn't wanna head the shit coming from her mouth.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE!" They both flinched and hurriedly walked out.

Not gonna lie, I cried like a bitch that day.

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I couldn't resist my 𝐄𝐱-𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝Where stories live. Discover now