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U C H I H A    T R I A L S 

      I stood in the shadow of the arena while Hayate Gekko unlocked the gates. He was observed by Hiruzen Sarutobi along with select ANBU guards, flanking a blonde child. 

     Once the Hokage and company entered first, the Uchiha children began to line up in an orderly fashion, then followed by their relatives. 

     All first born Uchiha are supposed to enter the trials and are usually prompted by their parents to do so. The qualifying age was fifteen and onwards to elevate their family's status―the second branch were always first as they were the weakest and most amusing to watch spar.  

    Immediately, my eyes found Shisui as I found my seat around the oval arena. He waved discreetly at me. He stood next to Itachi who's gaze was strictly on the arena, once utilised by eager Chunnin. Fugaku protectively held both boys' shoulders and whispered something to Itachi. I presumed words of encouragement. 

    My parents were absent. Not only were they not considered 'true Uchiha' from their status as second branch citizens, the fact they they didn't agree with clan politics urged Fugaku into exiling them. So naturally, I was considered a piece of shit by proxy due to my parents unfavourable decisions. 

         "This is a no-holds barrel combat," Hayate stated. "Each pair of combatants will fight until one of them is dead or unconscious, or admits defeat."

       "As soon as you sense that your opponent is overpowering you, immediately concede your loss if you value your life," Hiruzen nodded at Hayate for him to continue. "Uh, we don't want a total bloodbath on our hands, so there may be cases in which we ascertain that there is an undisputed winner and step in to the end match. But I wouldn't count on it. Since the lower branch of the Uchiha are going first, you'll work your way through all entries and then qualifying three will then face off against the qualified top branch."

       The lower branch of the Uchiha were separated from the top branch by three isles of seating. I sat in the front row closest to Hiruzen and the blonde child; Shisui sat in the same isle on the first branches side. He mouthed something to me that I couldn't make out.

       "I suppose we better get this contest underway," Hayate scratched the back of his head and gestured to the electronic scoreboard above him which would hold the faces of the two chosen lower branch members to compete first. "Matsudoshi Uchiha, your combatant is Bitsui Uchiha."

       Two boys stood from the seats behind me and shakily made their way down the steps and into the arena. Neither of them looked like they were built for fighting. Matsudoshi had to inhale through his puffer every ten minutes of the battle. Bitsui wasn't a better opponent either, neither of them knew how to handle the weapons they were given properly―consequently, Hayate signalled that they both had to forfeit the match.     

      Both boys were carried away on stretchers. I was surprised that they hadn't killed themselves from embarrassment; most of the combatants from the first branch were up against the railing cheering that the lower branch were worthless.

     The only teenagers that weren't rooting for the lower branch to destroy themselves were Shisui and Itachi. Shisui still tried to mouth something at me; I shook my head at him, to convey that I didn't understand. He then discreetly jerked his thumb towards Itachi who had reclined back in his seat with his arms folded.    

      I sighed and shrugged my shoulders at Shisui; he smirked and waved me off as if he'd given up on air-speaking to me. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back onto the battle.

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