14 - Fun in the Sun

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Chapter 14 - Fun in the Sun




"Okay, okay, you know I love you, and I'm loving this whole constant history lesson thing, but do you think we could take a break? Just for today?" I give Modi my best puppy dog eyes, and bat my lashes.

"Ugh, come on Lorin! You know that isn't fair!" He puts his hands up to cover his eyes, but I grab his arm and pull them down, making him look at me. "Enki made me promise that while he deals with business below, I'd continue your training!" Heh, that's my way in!

I lean myself up against his chest, still handing on to his wrists. "I won't tell if you won't," I say while lowering my voice and looking up at him through my lashes. I feel his chest start to rumble as he lowers his head closer to mine. "Come on, we can go get something to eat, maybe go for a walk through the woods... all alone." I meet him halfway, and press my lips to his. The kiss is slow, and passionate, but the heat builds. I grip his hair, pulling his long locks from the braid, as he turns us, pressing me into the wall. I lift my leg and wrap it around his hip, and he grabs it and lifts me up, wrapping both of my legs around his waist.

Fuck. "M..Modi," I start. He grunts and moves his lips from mine, to down my neck. "We have to stop... I had a whole thing, a plan." I moan as he bites down.

"Hmm," he places a final kiss on my lips. "Fine, we can stop, for now. But, I'm gonna hold you to that promise. We will be continuing this." I smile up at him.

"Of course, love. I'm a man of my word! But, we're going to go get something to eat, maybe go look at some puppies, smell some roses. You know, normal teenage stuff. I could use some of that." I really could. It's been incredibly taxing these past few days.

We head out, going to the cafe in town. Taking my favourite booth, Julie the waitress comes over to take our order. After it's placed, she looks over her shoulder at me and mouths, He's cute! I roll my eyes at her, but smile. I can feel the blush rising up my cheeks as Modi raises his eyebrow. I shake my head, but then he raises both.

"Aren't you some all powerful demon, God, thing? Aren't you just supposed to know these things?" I ask, playfully.

"Well of course I am," he starts, "But I always like to give others the opportunity to keep everything out in the open." At that time, Julie comes over and sets our food down in front of us. "Why, thank you, beautiful! Great timing, my stomach was about to rumble."

"Gosh, aren't you just a doll?" She fans herself. "Lorin, hunny, don't you let this one slip away." She walks back into the kitchen. As soon as she disappears from view, Modi and I make eye contact and bust out laughing.

"Well gosh doll, I think you just got yourself a girlfriend!" I say, using my best Julie accent.

"Hm, too bad though. I much prefer the company of men. Especially the one sitting at this table with me." He leans over the table and kisses me.

How many times can I say it before it becomes annoying, even to myself? His kisses, him, I can never get enough.


Walking through town square, hand in hand. Nothing could be more perfect. Well, it could be if I had actually been able to fully shake my shadow. Roman. When Modi and I had left this morning, we were able to skirt around him and get out before he noticed. But alas, good things must always come to an end. Thankfully, after being as threatening as I could possibly be in public, he's staying a good 50 feet away from me. I can still feel him watching (judging, more like), but at least he's not on my ass anymore.

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