Yandere Taehyung 2

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Y/N POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's been almost a month since i confessed to my ex best friend, sometimes it hurts to even speak his name but I've gotten better with the help from my parents and new friends. There's still days where i think what HE'S doing at the moment, that picture of us is still in my phone i never had the heart to delete it, the memories of that day, the feelings just looking at that one picture brings me back all the joy and happiness i felt.

I've been talking to my mother about moving back to my house, i used up all my sick days for work and my boss has called to let me know she needs me back. It's nice to feel so need, so cared for, i wonder if HE thinks of me. If he wonders where i am and how i'm doing but that wouldn't ever happen because i'm a 'Fake Friend', i looked out the window of my bedroom to see bright blue skies, small fluffy clouds spread throughout the wide ocean of air while the hot blistering sun hung above them watching.

"So calm..." i whispered while i gazed out at the never ending blue sky and fluffy clouds.

"You done zoning out young lady?"

i jumped and turned around to find my dad.

"Hey dad.." i smiled at him before facing the sky again.

"You packed and ready to go? You know you could just stay here? i think you bein----"

Your dad's voice slowly droned on and on while you mind began blocking his words from reaching you, questions filled your head..

While HE come see me?

Did HE miss me?

Does HE hate me?

Does HE--

"Y/N!? you aren't even listening!"

"huh? sorry dad i just zoned out for a while, you know just thinking."

"Well stop, i know you're probably over-thinking like usual but you really need to get going! Mum's waiting in the car and i need to go shopping so i can't come with but i need you to know that i love you with all my heart and you can come visit anytime you want!"

Your dad kissed your head before heading downstairs and outside, you watched as he gave your mother a loving kiss on the lips and hopped in his van to go shopping, giving you a wave before driving off. Would you ever have that type of love with someone, grow old, have kids and live your days out until your last breath.


Your mother shouted from her car, you breathed deeply before turning around grabbing your suitcase and giving the room one last look before making your way through the house and outside. You were going home, back to where HE was, where his girlfriend was but you were ready, He is nothing but the past.

TIME SKIP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You waved your mother goodbye and wiped away small tears that left your E/C eyes, Fuck home sweet home. Unlocking the door and immediately throwing your body on the couch, staring at the ceiling your thoughts were surprisingly calm, nothing too over bearing.

Maybe just being back home made you feel safe, being in the comfort of you cheap as fuck castle that you ruled made you feel content with everything. You were back and your ready to move on, getting up you locked the door and made your way upstairs to unpack and sleep ready for work in the morning.


*beep**beep* *beep**bee-

You turned off your alarm and got out of bed rubbing your eyes as you sluggishly maneuvered towards the bathroom, showering quickly, drying your hair and doing your morning routine before changing and brushing your teeth.

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