TFB - 39

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Jungkook was walking the busy night street of Manhattan. He is wearing a maroon hoodie, a face mask and a cap to hide his identiy. He can't take the risk of being mobbed by people if he walk down the street without a diguise, he learned from his own experience. His been visiting different boutiques to buy a gift for Jisoo. He wanted to buy something especial for his fiancée. Fiancée. He loves that word so much that it made him smile like a fool.

A silver necklace with a diamond teardrop caught his attention. It's so simple but beautiful just like his Jisoo. He didn't waste another second and he walks inside the jewelry store to buy the necklace for his fiancée. Jisoo will surely love the necklace.

"Thank you come again." He smiled at the store attendant before walking out the store with excited steps.

I can't wait to give this gift to her. 25 more days and I'll be with her again. Wait for me, Jisoo.


He stops on his track when he heard someone's voice.


He followed the feminine voice. It sounds like the girl is on danger. He walks to the dark alley where he heard the voice from.

"Help! Please somebody help me!"

The cry was clearer and he can also hear some men's voice snickering and laughing.


When he got near, he saw a lady on the ground trying to stop the man from ripping her clothes and another man laughing like a maniac on the side while watching, probably his friend, assaulting the poor girl.

"What in the world do you think you are doing?!"

The two men and the girl stops and looked at him.

"Leave the girl alone!" He said making the two men laugh in sinister.

"Oh look who do we have here? A little man trying to be spiderman, ey?" One of the guy said.

"Don't get involve here son. Go home!" The other man said.

"I'm not your son. Leave the girl peacefully or I'll make you." He warned. He doesn't like it when a woman gets harrass by some douche bag.

"Really? Let's see what you get, son."

And then the fight begins. (A/n: too lazy to write in details lol)

"Miss, you okay?" He asked the lady after knocking the two men on the ground.

"Y-yeah." The woman answered in a trembling voice.

Jungkook feel sorry for her. She must be so scared from the assault. Jungkook removed his hoodie and handed it to the lady to cover herself since her clothes are now ripped.

"Here. Wear this. I'm gonna report this to the police." He took his phone from his pocket to call the police but a hand stop im.


"Huh?" He looked at the girl questioningly.

"Don't call the police. I don't want the media to know about this."

Is she serious? He frowned hearing the girl's statement.


"Uhmm because, I'm a celebrity." The girl sheepishly asked.

"A celebrity?" He asked, surprise to know that the lady he just saved is a celebrity.

"Yes. Well, I'm not popular here in America but in my country in South Korea, I am well-known."

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