21 December, 1974 - Lovestruck

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Now that Lavinia had confirmed her affection for Severus, Regulus seemed to see it everywhere. Though she hid it well enough, it seemed to sneak out in the smallest moments. The way she beamed when he laughed or cracked a joke to cheer him up when he was stressed or worried. The way she teased him gently, almost flirtatiously, while her barbed words were as sharp as they'd ever been to everyone else. Not that she was cruel to everyone else, but rather that she was soft with him where she was quick and witty with others. It was still Lavinia, with her tongue like a whip, but it was a gentler side.

It wasn't sappy or over romantic, because, Regulus knew, that wasn't Lavinia's way. He highly doubted she cared an ounce what Severus looked like or if he ever made any romantic gestures - which he didn't. He was simply a good friend.

She seemed to love him for all the tiny things that made him who he was. He never saw them in class, but he saw the way she asked questions when he was writing in his textbooks, the way she discussed his ideas, the way she cared about what he cared about. The way she was always the first to jump up between him and the Marauders, the first to defend him.

There had been one particularly memorable occasion when it had just been Regulus, Lavinia and Severus headed down the halls towards dinner, having left Alexandra and Eloise to struggle through a pile of dream diaries for Divination. The halls had been quiet as everyone was already down at dinner and they themselves were late to the main affair. Alexandra and Eloise had made them promise to bring some to the common room later so they didn't miss out on the meal.

Lavinia and Regulus had been walking slightly behind Severus, discussing when to meet for their next Transfiguration session when the Marauders appeared from the entrance to a side corridor. Potter's face had lit up upon seeing Severus and Regulus, knowing trouble was coming, stopped walking and broke off mid-sentence. Lavinia, however, had hardly blinked as she stopped next to him.

"I mean, we could do Friday evening," she said thoughtfully, as though he hadn't just stopped talking mid-word. "I have Astronomy, so we wouldn't be able to go late, but that's alright, really."

"Lavinia," Regulus said, softly, tipping his head toward where Potter and Severus were standing stock still and staring at each other like figures in a painting.

"Yes, I know, but I'm trying to plan something here," Lavinia had said breezily and Regulus had stared at her, frankly shocked by her lack of interest. "Does Friday work?"

"Is this really-" Regulus broke off again as Potter raised his wand and Severus responded in kind. Lavinia gave him an exasperated look and without even glancing at Potter, deftly cast a shield charm between him and Severus before either had a chance to cast a spell.

"You're getting predictable, Potter," she called, still not looking in the Gryffindors' direction. Then, turning back to Regulus, "It's a yes or no question, Reg," she said, looking at him, completely ignoring Potter, who was now staring at her, annoyed and Severus who looked torn between indignation at being denied the chance to curse Potter and laughter at the latter's stunned expression.

"Yes, Friday works," he relented. "Now can we deal with this?"

"I am dealing with it," she said simply, finally turning to look at Potter and raising her eyebrows at him questioningly.

"Don't let me interrupt your date planning, Selwyn," Potter said dryly.

"Not a date, and don't flatter yourself," she said as she made her way over to stand next to Severus. Regulus followed behind, trying to keep as much distance as he could between himself and his brother, regardless of the shield charm separating them. "You're not nearly important enough to qualify as an interruption."

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