Part 2

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Exiting the school building and quickly spot Happys car out the front. "Hey happy, your looking chipper as per usual" I say sarcastically as I notice his facial expressions, I hop into the car and he starts to take off

"Yeah well your father isn't in the best of moods after a lovely call form your school" I roll my eyes at his statement, I didn't even do anything, why am I in trouble

"What did I do now, I didn't even do anything" I complain, "I was literally an angle today" he looks at me knowingly "I mean there was this one incident with mr Russ, but he can't complain for being a genius "

"Exactly , your father told you not to show off today, it could raise suspicions" Great after the first day I'm already getting lectured by happy

"What they gonna say, she's really smart, she must be related to tony stark, it's fine happy" they were totally blowing this out of proportion, no ones gonna question my parents due to my intelligence

"No but they are gonna wanna met your parents, and we can't exactly bring Bucky in again, the lady almost had a heart attack when she met him" happy mentioned. That was pretty funny though, all Bucky did was sit there and glared at the lady, making his reply as short as possible, he did make sure they thought i was his daughter by holding my hand on the way out. Bucky and I have always been close, he's one of my best friends and like a uncle to me. When he first came to the facility, I was only young and didn't know the difference between, tall scary guy and tall blonde locks, somehow, anyway I follow bucky around for weeks on end, always finding him when he hid, I'll he gave up and started to acknowledge me. I was the only one he spoke to for months till he finally spoke To sam, Steve and Natasha. Him and dad have never been close since he killed dads parents and all but I'm fine with it.

"I mean it worked last time, I don't see why not" I reply, happy just gives me questioning look as we headed back home. I thought now was a better time then ever to ask happy the question that's burning on my my since peter leaped over a gate, "hey happy, do happen to know a boy that goes to my school" I ask and I see his hands tense around the wheel, "his names peter parker" I finish and happy instantly sit straighter in his said, almost like he was discomfortable

"No, I've never heard of the name peter marker, was it?" He lied. I can tell since his shoulders tensed, that's harpy's tell. Whenever he lies his shoulders tense, I've know it since I was 9.

"Parker" I corrected, as I face the road, "I was just wondering" I'll get down to the bottom of this with out his help then. The rest of the car ride was kinda quiet, happy barely said a word the rest of the ride. When we get home I go straight to the kitchen to eat something since I'm starving. I start to think about how peter could do what he did, I mean no one can do that, well maybe Steve and Bucky, maybe peter took the serum. After I finished making my sandwich I walk up to Steve who was in the living room with Tasha, they were talking while watching gossip girl on Netflix. I take a seat right next to Steve

"Hey brooks, how was your first day of school?" Steve was always polite and asked me how I was going and basically mothered me when I needed it.

"Yeah it alright, I was wondering, do you know if in the past 18 years another person has gotten the serum" Steve and Natasha both turn there heads slowly to look at me with a questioning looks on their faces

"No Whyyyyy" he drag out, I get up from my seat and start to leave the living room

"Just wonderinggggg" I say before exiting the room, I go into the elevator and ask Friday to take me to my level, once I'm on my level I walk to my room and sit on my bed (her room is the photo), I grab the remote off my night stand and turn the tv on that was informative of my bed, I turn gossip girl on and think. Then it hits me, the only way to get to know what peter is, is to get to know peter. I remember Ned inviting me over to peters to build the LEGO Death Star, so I text Ned and tell him I'll be over, he quickly replied with a thumbs up and his address. I slip into something more comfortable, I put a black shirt on and long pants overalls, I quickly throw my hair into a bun and put some comfy shoes on

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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