Chapter 8

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The days went by it was a quiet day. Naan and all the servants worked as usual. Gavin along with Haroun trained in the lists. While all the town folk bustled about.

She sat quietly and watched the men fight. Every move was caught by green pools of curiousness. With a stick in hand she stood up and mimicked their moves. The growing desire to perfect her use of a sword grew with her every waking day. Nothing made her more content then to sit and watch the men train.  As much as Naan tried to coax her into doing needle work or accompanying her in the kitchens she said little and hurried what she sat to do and rushed out to watch the mens mock battles and jousts.

She was back to her self in no time,during the day she was up to her ususal mischief. In the evenings she sat with everyone and ate supper. Her eyes candidly watched the men and woman drink,sing and dance. One or two jokes were said and laughter shook the ceilings. Watching her from afar he smiled at her laughter watching the men stumble as they danced with their partners. 

During the nights he would lean against the door to her chamber and watch Naan sit behind her combing her hair before putting her to bed.

He spent his free time with her playing games of chess while Haroun sat by her side to help her strategically beat him.


The fresh air and billowing breeze beckoned her to the outer walls. Plush green grass caressed her toes. Sitting down she overlooked the massive beautiful hills before her.

Leaning back the sun warmed her face laying flat she closed her eyes listening to the swish of air that blew over her face. She could lay out here forever she smiled to her self.

A while had passed, suddenly a shadow passed over her. She opened her eyes and squinted at the tall figure looming over her. The familiar voice that softly said her name calmed her quickening heart. Gavin slowly sat beside her. Sitting up she smiled at him.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" he leaned back on one arm pulling a long stem of green grass.

Following him she did the same and faced him.

He studied her now hesistant look as if she wanted to tell him but she held back.

"I just wanted to be alone." She  shrugged.

Leaning closer he tilted her chin up to look into her eyes. He could see more than what she was implying.

"Talk to me," he insisted.

He can see the hesistant stare she gave calming.

"I want you to teach me to fight, I want to train like your knights." She looked into his eyes with a seriousness he could not believe.

Caught off guard with her request he laughed.

"Why do you want to fight? he playfully tugged at her long dishelved braid that hung over her shoulder.

Brushing his hand away softly she sat up.

"I am serious m'lord, I want to learn to fight with a sword, a real sword."

His look of disbelief saddened her.

"Absolutely not." He sat up looking at her surprised and amused with what she was asking.

Her heart sank at his answer. His eyes turned an icy grey with her determined response.

"But, why not. My father taught me?..." before she could finish he interupted.

"That is different"  he sighed.

Looking at him confused.

"How so?"

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