Chapter 3

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It's the night before the first day of senior year, and everyone is stressed, including Frank's mom, who is currently sitting on the couch with a beer. She's busy bitching about the contestants on Jeopardy, which is the main reason for her high stress level, not the fact that Frank starts school in just a few hours.

Frank is in the bathroom trying on the clothes his mother bought him earlier today at the Goodwill. Most of the jeans are too big, and all of the shirts are ugly, but they fit, so it's a win. He's pretty sure his mom just asked someone where the mens clothes were and she grabbed the first ten things she saw, which would explain why none of this is his style. He would have preferred all black clothes, maybe some reds thrown in there, but old tees that people donate with the intent of the less fortunate to buy is what he's stuck with.

He looks at himself in the mirror and pulls up his jeans. His favorite pair are the ripped black ones, but they're so big on him. He told his mother the size he needed, and she did get the sizes he requested, but they're big, and he knows why. This summer, he lost a lot of weight. Being depressed and scared to leave his room, the only times he really ate was when he was with Gerard, and those days were few and far between. The loss wasn't intentional, and he didn't even realize that his sizes went down, as he normally wore skinny jeans anyway, he figured it just took a while for them to be comfortable.

With a sigh, he decides that looking at himself isn't going to change anything, so he gathers up his new clothes and starts to walk back to his bedroom. His mom looks at him from the sofa, seemingly expecting him to say something, so he does.

"Thank you, Mom. They all fit fine," He lies quietly. She nods at him with a look of success etched on her face, and he finishes the short walk to his room. Glancing at the clock hanging above his bed, he sees that it's close to midnight. He should have been in bed hours ago because has to wake up early, but he ended up staying up later than what he had originally intended. Feeling defeated, he puts his clothes away after choosing his outfit for tomorrow, and he turns out his light and lays in his bed. He checks his phone and notices there's a couple missed texts from Gerard at around nine.

(8:58pm)-frank, u there?



(9:29pm)-answer ur phone asshole

(9:42pm)-fine. ignore me

(9:55pm)-im sorry that sounded mean i didnt mean it like that

Each of his messages were sent about ten minutes apart, and Frank feels bad now.

(11:46pm)+hey im here

He waits a few minutes, but there isn't a reply. He shuts his phone off and plugs it in, a sadness taking over. He pulls his blanket up over his shoulders and curls up, ready to enter a dreamless sleep or a restless night. Regardless of what he gets, He's tired, and he just wants to be comfortable for just a few hours before he's sent back to school.

He dozes off.

A door slamming the wall is his bedroom and a voice screaming at him wakes up Frank. Judging by the sound of it, there's probably a hole in the wall that Frank's going to have to fix later, most likely by covering it up with a band poster rather than actually fixing it.

"What the hell are you still doing in bed huh?! Damn it Frank, you missed the fucking bus!" His mother yells at him. He's barely awake when he feels her reach out and grab his hair and pull it, and his eyes can't even adjust to the light before he feels a blow to his face. He reaches up to touch his lip after she releases her grip on him. He looks at his hand and there's a little bit of blood, but not a whole lot.

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