⁕ Royalties Story Titles ⁕

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It's been TWO MONTHS since the last time I updated this book SKSKSKSKS, I'm too busy with my other account that I forgot to update here LMAO. And now I'm back with new titles, and OMG, thanks for 1,600+ reads, I wuv y'all.

✻ Royalties Story Titles

[A] [Queen's/Princess'/Concubine's] Cry

➳ The [Emperor's/King's/General's/Prince's] Sword

[An/A] [Empire's/Castle's/Kingdom's] Secret

➳ The Secret Door

[Name of your character] : The [Country/Place/Setting of your story + 's] [Queen/King/Princess/Prince]

➳ The [Queen's/King's] Order

➳ The [Prince/Princess] Who Died

➳ A [Queen's/Princess'] Revenge

➳ The [Throne/Crown]

➳ The Queen Who Left

[A/The] Concubine's [Story/Diary]

➳ The Queen's Silent Whispers

➳ The King's [Wife/Queen]

➳ The Royalty's Game

➳ [A/The] Servant's [Game/Secret]

➳ The [Two/Three/Four/Five/etc.] Concubine

➳ Forgotten [Princess/Queen/Consort/Concubine/King/Prince]

➳ Chosen

[The/A] Deadly Sonata

➳ The [Imperial Guard's/General's] Love

➳ The [Empire/Palace/Kingdom] That Disappeared

➳ Behind [Those/The] Walls

➳ The Prime Minister's [Daughter/Son]

➳ The [Royal/Noble] Consort Who [Stayed/Left]

➳ The [King's/Queen's] Most Beloved [Princess/Prince]

➳ A Comonner's [Revenge/Dream]

➳ The Crowning

➳ The [Name of your Empire ex: Qing] Empress

➳ The Forgotten [Palace/Kingdom/Empire]

➳ The [Last/First] Dynasty

➳ The General's [Daughter/Son]

➳ The Fallen [Dynasty/Empire/Palace]

➳ The [King's/Queen's/Emperor's/Empress'/Princess'/Prince's] Servant

➳ The Fall of [Name of Dynasty ex: Qing] Dynasty

➳ The [Illegitimate/Unknown] Child

➳ The [Empress'/Emperor's/King's/Queen's/Princess'/Prince's] [Last] Wish

➳ The Game of the [Concubines/Consorts]

➳ The Frozen [Kingdom/Palace/Empire]

➳ The Last [Last Name of Your Character, ex: Leonel]

➳ The Fall of the [Queen/King/Emperor/Empress]

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