Part 5

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My little carries on crying and gets even more chocked up over our shouts. 'No sweetheart please don't cry.' I say pulling her on my knee and hugging her tightly while stroking her back. 'Shhhh' I whisper causing her to slightly calm down.

Once she stopped crying I pulled away and lifted up her top once again to see the bruise. I was now on one knee with her sat on the horizontal part of my other leg. She rubs her red eyes and sniffles while Jin very carefully applies an ointment on the bruise. Once finished he stands up.

'I'll get her some water so she can take some pain killers and I'll tell Yoongi to cook something for her.' I nod and he goes off just leaving me and my little. I turn my gaze to her to see she is looking down at her lap and fiddling with her fingers in discomfort. 'How about we watch a film hmm, little one?' She nods getting a bit excited.

I pick her up, place her on the bed and turn on my 85 inch 4K tv that stands in front of the bed. I give her the remote and as she flicks through Netflix, I pull her between my legs so my body is surrounding her and tuck her into the covers with me. She picks a Disney film and she is so engrossed in the film that she doesn't notice she is holding tightly onto my hands that are either side of her.

Her cute fingers are so tiny and her touch is so soft compared to mine. Jin enters back into the room with a glass of water and some pills for her which she quickly takes without a fuss like the good girl she is. She leans back on my chest completely transfixed with the tv screen as the princess and prince finally meet.

Me and Jin smile as we look at her completely in awe of her beauty. 'Yoongi should be up with some food soon.' He whispers to me before leaving. And soon enough he did. My littles eyes open wide in delight as Yoongi comes in with a big pot of ramen and a pair of chopsticks. Before I can question if she likes it or is allergic to anything, she has taken the pot and begin to shovel a bit in her mouth. She stops abruptly and starts to fan her mouth. I hand her the water quickly which she gulps down. I chuckle and say 'too hot?' She nods and Yoongi leaves knowing he is no longer needed.

I take the pot from her grip along with the chop sticks and turn her around so she is facing me. I pick up some of the ramen and softly blow on it before letting her eat it. She hms signaling she likes it.

After finishing the pot, she snuggles back in between my legs to watch the movie again. I can't help but stare at her cute eyes, her small button nose and her soft plump lips. During her fixation on the movie, I gently remove the hair band keeping her shoulder length hair up and as the curls tumble down, I pull the hair out of her way behind her back. I slowly caress the scalp by her right ear, earning a gentle 'hmmm' signaling she likes it. I carry on as she cutely taps her hands on my thighs along to the Disney songs...

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