The End

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It's over..... everything is over....

This is going to be your version of 'forever and happy'. It involves Tae, Kim Enterprises... his love and his silliness..

It doesn't involve Jimin, his hot-headedness, his temper... and even though it isn't exactly what you imagined... you must come to terms with it...

His role in your life was temporary and ... unnecessary....

While it lasted, he only gave you pain....You believed things will be different... Perhaps he will love you like you loved him... But life doesn't always turn up exactly like you plan it, right?

Moreover, you have someone now.. You like him and you are sure you will come to love him too..

Cribbing about Jimin is only going to make you lose what you have.

Jimin is gone... And so should your thoughts about him....

Well, it isn't the happy ending you expected.....

But it is definitely an ending that will leave you happy throughout your life

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