Continued Story

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Hell Everyone! I've tried to capture this in several of the comments throughout the 8 chapters I have uploaded here, but I still get the same comments repeatedly. 

I have finished this book as well as the second book in the series and they are both for sale on Amazon and via the Amazon Kindle Unlimited program. As a result of this, I cannot publish any more chapters here on Wattpad because the KU terms specify that no more than 10% of the story can exist anywhere else as long as the book is enrolled in the program. 

Additionally, I have paperback, hardback, and audio options for the books (Book #2 on Audio is finished recording and being edited.)

I'm hard at work on writing book #3 and hope to have that done soon.

I wish I had better news for everyone that likes to consume their stories here, but this is the current state of the Radioactive Series. Thank you for everyone that has taken the time to engage with me and leave comments. It truly means a lot to me!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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