Part 11

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After a few minuets of her telling him all the horrible things she had to go through because of him, she finally gets bored and goes on with the physical torcher.

I thought to myself that I should take note of what she is doing because just by the screams coming from Kai, you knew she knew what she was doing.

She took the staple gun and systematically fired it in every bone possible in his body and under every finger nail he has.

Her enjoyment of this whole situation shone through her big smile as she took the hammer again and smashed it onto his knees.

She then took the baseball bat and proceeded to hit him sensuously until the point where he was about to become unconscious. She grabbed him by the hair again and whispered 'see you in hell' before covering him in lighter fluid and setting him on fire alive. She stands back next to me to watch the show of screams.

'Was that too much?' She asks jokingly while leaning closer so I could hear her over the screams. 'I think it was just about enough.' I say making her laugh as well.

'Let's get out of here.' I say pulling her out the room. It was quite amusing seeing Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi with wide eyes and open mouths in shock as they waited outside the room. They obviously didn't think she had it in her to do that to someone.

We get back in the car and make our way home, driving just as crazy as before. 'She's a keeper' Taehyung shouts as we wiz round corners and park up in my garage.

My three hyungs run back into the house but my girl stops me from going back in by gently holding my arm. 'I should get going. My gang are probably wondering where I am' she says making me a little shocked. Not just at the fact that she was leaving but at the fact that I'm hearing she has a gang out loud. I knew as soon as she mentioned the mafia ball but it's different hearing her say it.

'Can I at least give you a lift then?'
'Ok but I need to borrow your phone to call someone and say we are coming. They are used to me disappearing for a few days but if suddenly a stranger pops up at our front gates they won't hesitate to shoot you.'

I nod and give her my phone. She smiles at my background of all the hyungs in the club and proceeds to type in a number and call it. 'Jackson, it's me.'
I hear a low excited voice on the other side but can't quite make out what he is saying. She smiles making me very jealous.

Instinctively I pull her by the waist against my chest and lean my head closer to the phone to hear. She seems unbothered and even rests her chin on my shoulder. 'Anyway, tell the guards I'm coming back in a black Lamborghini and I will be with someone so don't try and shoot them like last time.'

'Wait you're with someone?' I hear faintly on the line. 'Yeah I will explain later but I've got to go.'

They quickly say good bye and we jump back in the car. This time I'm driving and she is putting the address into the sat-nav while I sneakily place my hand on her thigh and rub circles with my thumb. I think I have accidentally fallen in love with this girl. While watching her delicate facial features as she types in the address, I see her checks becoming a little red as she gets flustered at my actions...

Mafia daddy (DDLG)// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now