Costume Upgrades

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Izuku's POV

I yawned, stretching as I walked down the hallway. I was dragging Aika towards the Development Studio to get our costume upgrades. She was halfway asleep so I had to shake her awake when we arrived.

"I think this is the place." I huffed, looking down at the message I got from Iida.

"Are you sure?" Aika asked.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa told me yesterday and Iida also just texted me the room number." I said.

"Mm...kay." I turned to look at Aika, only to see her falling back asleep.

I sighed, moving to knock on the door. Just as I was about to, I heard a loud 'boom,' and I felt myself being pushed away by some weird, burning force. I closed my eyes on instinct and when I opened them, I saw a girl laying on top of me. I then realized that there was an explosion within the studio and hurried to help the girl up.

"Sorry about that..." The girl laughs as she dusts herself off.

"It's fine, you're that mechanic girl from the sports festival, right?" I asked. She nodded.

I briefly introduced myself although it seemed unnecessary, since she already knew me from the celebrity work I did. Aika also introduced herself, although she didn't seem to like the girl. I guess she was still shook after the whole explosion thing.

"Sorry, but I have to continue developing my babies." Hatsume said, turning to go back into the studio.

"Oh, well...We were here to get some upgrades on our costumes..." I said, scratching my neck. "Is that okay?"

"Really?! Come in!" She said, her eyes glimmering. "So, what can I help you with?"

I explained the upgrades that we wanted and she started working on it. We saw another person in the room and he seemed to be busy with something else.

"So do you enjoy making these?" I asked. Hatsume nodded. "You're very talented. All of your...babies...are really cool. Just like in the sports festival."

"Right?" Hatsume smiled at me. I saw a small blush on her face and I nodded. "Would you like to try some of them?"

I hesitantly nodded as she dragged me somewhere. Aika was looking around, occasionally trying on some gadgets herself.

"So, Midoriya...What type of gadget do you want to try on?" Hatsume asked.

"Anything? I mean...I bet anything that you make is awesome so I'm fine with anything." I smiled.

Hatsume's face lit up when I said that and she went off to get something. I turned to Aika, who seemed to be having the best time of her life. She even seemed to have chosen some gadgets that she liked.

"I'm back!" Hatsume said.

She started to make me wear some weird stuff and soon she asked me to come more often. She said that I was a great model for her 'babies' and that she might have some gadgets that help with my quirk.

"This is an amplifier." Hatsume explained. "I programmed it for vocal quirks like yours. It strengthens your quirk and makes you voice louder so I think it would help you use your quirk more effectively. And it's designed as a choker so you don't have to carry it around. You can have it!"

"Oh, thank you...I'll use it well." I smiled as I tried it on.

The choker fit pretty well. It was designed so that it would fit the user. I looked around to see Hatsume helping Aika with the stuff she was looking at. I smiled and looked around by myself. A lot of Hatsume's gadgets were very cool and useful. She seemed to enjoy making these too.

After a few more minutes, we said bye and Hatsume promised that she would have our upgrades done by tomorrow. Aika seemed to have gotten some useful gadgets as well so I guess we didn't stay the whole hour in vain.

"So, did you have some fun today, Aika?" I asked. She nodded, smiling while she observed her new gadgets. "We can come meet Hatsume another time but we're late. It's almost nearing class time."

"Okay, let me just..." Aika stopped walking and pulled out a small bag. She stuffed in the gadgets in the bag and started walking again. "There, let's go, Izu!"

I stared at her for a moment and she stared back. We had this sort of stare down and we started laughing.

"Why were you staring at me?" Aika said when she calmed down.

"I was just wondering how you got all that stuff to fit in your small bag that you had." I laughed.

"Oh, I guess you didn't know...I got one from Hatsume." Aika explained. "She said that I might need something to carry all the stuff so she gave me one."

"That makes sense. Well, let's get going." I said. "Mr. Aizawa's going to be annoyed if we're late."

Aika nodded and we, thankfully, managed to get to class on time. We were excused for 1st and 2nd period since we were getting our costume upgrades but 3rd period, which is the most important class, hero classes, wouldn't get an excuse unless we were sick or something.

We were taken to the gym again and told to practice our ultimate moves. I was still not great in using mine, but I felt like I was improving. I could go on for about 4-5 more seconds than a few days ago and I had weaker headaches.

Everyone else seemed like they were doing great too.

We continued our training and soon, All Might was here. I guess he was checking up on us. He was walking towards me when a boulder was falling towards him. Before I could even think about it, I was next to him and the boulder was broken to pieces.

I guess the other quirks that I have copied and One for All was helping my physical abilities. All Might thanked me and gave me a thumbs up.

After talking for a while, he went to where Mr. Aizawa was and I could hear Mr. Aizawa warn him to be careful.

"Alright, class..." Mr. Aizawa starts. "It's not long from the Provisional License Exams so keep practicing. Whoever doesn't pass won't get a license and there will be a training course that you can participate in."

The whole class bean to talk about the exams and how hard it might be, considering the stuff they heard about it. And since it is an exam that is taken every two years and only few first-year students can participate, many of the classmates seemed a bit worried about failing.

"Good luck." Mr. Aizawa said.

"I trust that you all will be able to pass."

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